An accenture technology team located in the us has added a new feature to an existing online ticketing platform. the team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other global teams using individual instances of the platform. which technology, when combined with agile and devops, will help the team receive real-time feedback?

  1. What are key objectives of DevOps at Accenture? to
  2. a pharmaceutical company is using blockchain to manage their...get 2
  3. HAREN – Education Blog
  4. Enterprise Technology Services & Solutions
  5. Tq key answer Đáp án bài test TQ
  6. An Accenture Technology team located in the US has added a...get hint 2
  7. Accenture TQ Agile & Devops Assessment Answers (2022)

Download: An accenture technology team located in the us has added a new feature to an existing online ticketing platform. the team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other global teams using individual instances of the platform. which technology, when combined with agile and devops, will help the team receive real-time feedback?
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What are key objectives of DevOps at Accenture? to

This question hasn't been solved yet Ask an expert Ask an expert Ask an expert done loading Question:What are key objectives of DevOps at Accenture? to deliver services faster. with higher quality, and with built in security to create a minimally viable product before building the final, polished end product to gather requirements, design, code, test, and deploy the product prior to customer feedback to collaborate with customers on the requirements, What are key objectives of DevOps at Accenture? to deliver services faster. with higher quality, and with built in security to create a minimally viable product before building the final, polished end product to gather requirements, design, code, test, and deploy the product prior to customer feedback to collaborate with customers on the requirements, design, and feedback prior to development Why does DevOps recommend "shift-left" testing principles? It makes collaboration with the client teams easier. It reduces costly re-work during later delivery stages. It ensures the reduction of overall development time. It decreases end-to-end production costs. Why does DevOps recommend "shift-left" testing principles? It makes collaboration with the client teams easier. It reduces costly re-work during later delivery stages. It ensures the reduction of overall development time. It decreases end-to-end production costs. How do Agile and DevOps interrelate? Iterations of new increments of software use DevOps practices to seamlessly deplo...

a pharmaceutical company is using blockchain to manage their...get 2

a pharmaceutical company is using blockchain to manage their supply chain. some of their drugs must be stored at a lower temperature throughout transport so they installed rfid chips to record the temperature of the container. which other technology with blockchain would help the company in this situation? • intelligent apps • artificial intelligence (ai) • internet of things (lot) • cloud computing • I don't know this yet. 2-an e-commerce company is collaborating with the world to sell the artisans' products. accenture is helping this client build a platform that will maintain the integrity of the artisan's credentials by creating digital identities for them. this creates privacy preserving link between the products and the artisans' unique identities. how will these digital identities help these artisans? • connect them with the customers, enhance their marketing, and build their client base • link them with the banks to prove credit-worthiness and inform them of loan options • individually recognize and reward them for using methods and materials that align with buyers' values such as sustainability and labor practices • allow them to interact with the e-commerce company and get details of the buyer target to a specific audience • I don't know this yet 3-what type of transaction cannot be stored in blocks on a blockchain? • all types of transactions can be stored in blocks on a blockchain • a transaction that issues a degree to mary wilson from purdue university in elec...

HAREN – Education Blog

এসময়ত এখন গাঁৱত সাতজন ভাই- ককাই আছিল। সিহঁতে পৰৰ ধন-সোণ চুৰ কৰি জীৱন নিৰ্বাহ কৰিছিল। সিহঁত আটায়ে লগ লাগি এই কাম কৰিছিল। এদিনাখন ডাঙৰজনে আনবোৰক ক’লে, “ভাইসব, সেই বুঢ়া মানুহজনৰ বহুতো ধন-সম্পত্তি আছে। গতিকে আমি কাইলৈ তেওঁৰ ঘৰলৈ গৈ টকাখিনি লৈ আনোগৈ ব’লা।” আনবোৰেও সন্মতি জনালে। বুঢ়াই সিহঁতৰ পৰিকল্পনা সপোনত গম পাইছিল। ৰাতিপুৱা সাৰ পাই … Categories পুৰণি কালৰ কথা। বাৰাণসীত এজন ৰজা আছিল। ৰজাৰ এজন মন্ত্ৰীও আছিল। এবাৰ শত্ৰুৱে আক্ৰমণ কৰাত ৰজা আৰু মন্ত্ৰীয়ে শত্ৰুৰ সৈতে যুদ্ধ কৰি যুদ্ধত জয়লাভ কৰিলে। তেতিয়া ৰজাই মন্ত্ৰীক ক’লে মন্ত্ৰী মোৰ গুণতে আমাৰ যুদ্ধখনত জয় সম্ভৱ হ’ল। মন্ত্ৰীয়ে বোলে হ’বই নোৱাৰে। মোৰ গুণতহে আমি যুদ্ধখনত জয়ী হলো। এনেদৰে কথা কটাকটি কৰি থাকোতে দুয়োৰে মাজত কাজিয়া … Categories এদিন এজন মানুহে ৰজাৰ নগৰ চাবলৈ আহোঁতে এজনী মাইকী মানুহে তেওঁক লগ পাই কৰ মানুহ, কি কথা, কলৈ যাব বুলি সুধিলে। মানুহজনেও সকলো কথা ভাঙিপাতি ক’লে। মানুহজনীয়ে মানুহজনক নি ৰাজসভা পোৱালেগৈ। মানুহজনীয়ে ৰাজসভাত চিঞৰ-বাখৰ লগাই কান্দি কাটি ৰজাক ক’লে, ‘এই মানুহজনে মোৰ হাতৰ, কাণৰ গহনা আৰু ১৫০০ টকা কাঢ়ি ল’লে, মহাৰাজ বিচাৰ কৰি দিয়ক।’ ৰজাই … Categories প্ৰাচীন কালত পাৰস্য দেশত এজন সদাগৰ আছিল। সদাগৰে প্ৰায় ভাৰতলৈ বনিজ বেহাবলৈ আহে। এবাৰ তেওঁ ভাৰতৰ পৰা এটা ভাটো লৈ গৈ নিজৰ ঘৰত সোণৰ সজাত ৰাখি মৰমেৰে পুহিবলৈ ধৰিলে। ভাটৌ চৰাইটোৱে বৰ সাৰুৱা কথা কয়। সদাগৰে আজৰি সময়কণ ভাটৌৰ লগতে ভাল কথা পাতি কটায়। লাহে লাহে ভাটৌ সদাগৰৰ বন্ধু হৈ পৰিল। এবাৰ ভাৰতলৈ বণিজ বেহাবলৈ … Categories এখন গাঁৱত ৰুদাই নামেৰে এজন কণা আছিল। এদিন সি আলিবাটেদি গৈ আছিল। গৈ গৈ এডোখৰ বৰ ওখোৰা মোখোৰা বাট পালে। লগে লগে ৰুদাইৰ বৰ হাহাকাৰ লাগিল। সাৰ...

Enterprise Technology Services & Solutions

Tech is everywhere. Yet your business may not be getting the full value from your investments. Our deep industry expertise puts us in a unique position to help you use the right technology to address your most complex and critical challenges—whether it’s through faster cloud migration, getting the most value out of the top technology platforms, making the most of your data through applied intelligence, or underpinning everything you do with security.

Tq key answer Đáp án bài test TQ

Question Answer Key What is Accenture’s approach when it comes to helping our clients with security? Embed security in all aspects of the clients work, solving even the most complex of the client’s cyber Security Question What is Accenture’s approach when it comes to helping our clients with security? Answer Key Embed security in all aspects of the client work, solving even the most complex of the client’s cyber challenges A large banking client recently completed migrating their entire organization to cloud They need Accenture to help them assess how secure they are assess existing Cloud security policies and processes, protect data, and identify security improvements What benefit would the client get from involving/utilizing Accenture’s security team? Following a client security incident, Accenture performs an in-depth analysis of every step taken by the attackers Accenture can suggest permanent mitigations and then test the implementation Incident Response Which term describes this process? According to cyber risk managers, what role has digitization played in an organization's security? It has made them more vulnerable to security compromises An international pharmaceutical company is fully compliant with local and international regulations However, they suffered a major data breach that exploited a six-month-old vulnerability The CIO asked Accenture "How can Because the Security Operations team does not handle compliance issues this be possible?" How should Accenture ...

An Accenture Technology team located in the US has added a...get hint 2

An Accenture Technology team located in the US has added a new feature to an existing online ticketing platform. The team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other global teams using individual instances of the platform. Which technology, when combined with Agile and DevOps, will help the team receive real-time feedback? An Accenture Technology team located in the US has added a new feature to an existing online ticketing platform. The team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other global teams using individual instances of the platform. The technology, when combined with Agile and DevOps, will help the team receive... An Accenture Technology team located in the US has added a new feature to an existing online ticketing platform. The team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other global teams using individual instances of the platform. The technology, when combined with Agile and DevOps, will help the team receive real-time feedback, is called the Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can assist DevOps teams to perform in a better manner in two ways which are as follows: i) Automation of repetitive work ii) The elimination of inefficiencies throughout the SDLC Teams are able to test, code, and check software more quickly and effectively by leveraging Artificial intelligence (AI). The agile methodology, which is known to adopt brief development cycles with the purpose of continuously delivering custo...

Accenture TQ Agile & Devops Assessment Answers (2022)

Accenture TQ Agile & Devops Assessment Answers Q. Which statement about Agile is true? Ans: The result of each sprint is a high-quality increment of software or customer value. Q. What is the optimal number of members for an Agile team? Ans: approximately 10 people Q . Which Agile approach helps teams improve their project cycle time by considering team capacity? Ans: Kanban Q. What is an Agile perspective on errors and mistakes in project development? Ans: Mistakes can be caught early by working in short spurts that allow for immediate review, learning, and adjustment. Q. What are key objectives of DevOps at IT Company A ? Ans: to deliver services faster, with higher quality, and with built in security Q .An IT Company A Technology team located in the US has added a new feature to an existing online ticketing platform. The team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other global teams using individual instances of the platform. Which technology, when combined with Agile and DevOps, will help the team receive real-time feedback? Ans: Artificial Intelligence Checkout Q. Which Agile framework breaks workload into smaller increments to improve team focus and simplify testing? Ans: Scrum Q. What describes the relationship between Agile teams and project requirements? Ans: Agile teams consider submitted requirements but focus more on the team’s expertise and perspective to develop the solution. Q. Which term accurately describes Agile and DevOps? Ans: a set of values an...