Benefits of eating apple everyday

  1. 10 reasons an apple a day helps you keep the doctor away!
  2. Advantages & Disadvantages of Eating an Apple a Day
  3. What are the Benefits of Eating Apples Every Day?
  4. 7 Benefits of having an apple empty stomach every morning
  5. BBC Radio 4

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10 reasons an apple a day helps you keep the doctor away!

Apple: Apples boost immune system and keep infections away because of a flavonoid called quercetin present in them. Apples also help counter stomach ailments like diarrhea (by absorbing excess water) and constipation (because of the high fibre content). Have you ever wondered why apples rank first among all fruits? Well, read the article to know the hidden reason. Written by |Updated : July 16, 2015 12:12 PM IST • • • • • Read this in Hindi You've heard the line an apple a day keeps the doctor away -- forever now and must have dismissed it as an old wives' tale. However, nutritionists are time and again shedding light on the numerous health benefits that this wonder fruit has in store. If you are unaware of this humble fruit s health benefits, have a look at this post to get a clear idea why you should eat apple every day. #1 Apples keep Also Read • • • Pectin, a soluble fibre present in apples helps in absorbing cholesterol and thus reduces the chances of your arteries getting blocked. The fruit is also charged with antioxidants, which serves the same purpose of fighting bad cholesterol and thus, # 2 Apples lower your risk of According to a study conducted by Dutch researchers, people who consumed 171 grams of apple a day were 52% less likely to suffer from stroke compared to those who consumed 78 grams or lesser. So, gorge on an apple a day and lower your chances of suffering from stroke. #3 Apples make your teeth whiter Nobody likes stained teeth and opting for dental p...

Advantages & Disadvantages of Eating an Apple a Day

Getting adequate fiber also assists with bowel movements and keeps you regular and may improve your cholesterol levels, lowering your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. There's some evidence, too, that fiber may help protect you from colon cancer, although more research is needed. Men need 38 grams of fiber daily for optimum health, and women need 25, so just one large apple will satisfy 13 to 20 percent of Apples are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which help fight off free radicals, molecules that can damage DNA and make you susceptible to illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. A review of studies, published in the Annals of Oncology in 2005, reported that eating one or more apples daily helped protect subjects from many different types of cancer, including esophageal, breast, colon and ovarian. You will encounter a few downsides to eating apples every day. If you aren't accustomed to eating fiber, suddenly embarking on a regimen of eating apples every day may lead to uncomfortable gas and bloating. Add fiber from apples and other foods to your diet gradually, phasing it in over a few weeks, and make sure to drink plenty of water to help the fiber pass through your digestive tract. Some people are allergic to apples and related fruits. If you have an allergy to birch pollen, you may develop an allergy to apples, too, and have to refrain from eating them. Symptoms can range from hives, abdominal pain and vomiting to life-threatening anaphylaxis. Howe...

What are the Benefits of Eating Apples Every Day?

Table of Contents • • • • • • • What are the Benefits of Eating Apples Every Day? Did you know that apples are one of the healthiest foods you can eat? They’re loaded with fiber, which helps you feel fuller longer, and they’re also a great source of vitamins like C, E, and Phytonutrients. The apple is such a staple part of the human diet that the modern apple was actually discovered ~10,000 years after the ancient ones. Ancient cultures such as the Etruscans and the Incas consumed the fruit and its seeds to help with a variety of health problems, including intestinal worms and heart attacks. Today, it’s still one of the best ways to naturally help with these issues. Apples are rich in a phytonutrient called quercetin, which has been linked to a variety of beneficial effects, including anti-inflammation, reduced risk of heart disease, and improved blood lipid levels. This phytonutrient is found in all types of apples, but it’s particularly high in the skin of red apples (like this Red Delicious variety). By eating apples on a regular basis, you can support your overall health and improve your cardiovascular function. Here’s why. Heart Health Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are a great way to support your heart health, but which ones are best? Apples are an excellent source of dietary fiber and phytonutrients, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall blood lipid levels. Anti-Inflammatory The apple is one of the few fruits that natur...

7 Benefits of having an apple empty stomach every morning

Benefits of apples: Apples are not only delicious on their own or in food, but they also have a tonne of health benefits. Apples have been linked to several health benefits, including better gut health and a lower risk of stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and some cancers. The several health benefits of eating apples are listed here, read to know more. 1. Lowers high cholesterol and high BP The occurrence of atherosclerosis (restricted blood flow in the arteries from plaque buildup) and heart disease is decreased by soluble fibre's ability to inhibit cholesterol deposition in the lining of blood vessel walls. Additionally, it can help in lowering blood pressure. 2. Aids in digestion In addition to helping you feel full by slowing down digestion, the soluble fibre present in apples also helps manage your blood sugar levels by slowing the breakdown of glucose. In the meanwhile, insoluble fibre can facilitate digestion, relieve constipation, and improve bowel routine. 3. Supports a healthy immune system Soluble fibre, which contains immune-supporting vitamin C, helped transform pro-inflammatory immune cells into anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting ones. 4. Diabetic friendly Apples may be a good addition to your diet if you have type 2 diabetes. It's a popular misconception that individuals who have diabetes cannot consume fruits. In this situation, the soluble fibre in apples can aid in reducing the rate at which sugar enters the bloodstream a...

BBC Radio 4

The humble apple is not only an easy snack – new research suggests that eating an apple a day can have a remarkable impact on your body and brain. It can improve the health of your blood vessels, liven up your gut bacteria, benefit your brain, and even reduce your risk of dying early by up to 35%! In the latest episode of his Radio 4 podcast Well, it turns out there might be some merit in the saying. Eating apples regularly is linked to a reduced risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. They're packed full of goodies – fibre, vitamins and important chemical compounds called flavonoids. The good stuff Flavonoids are concentrated in the skin of apples. They're produced by plants to protect them from stress, sunlight and disease. Amazingly, by eating these plants, you can acquire similar protective effects! One of the ways that scientists think flavonoids can have a beneficial effect on our bodies is by increasing the production of an amazing molecule called nitric oxide. It can regulate blood pressure, maintain blood vessel health, and have a number of beneficial effects on your body. A hearty apple? In Researchers from the University of Reading have also demonstrated that eating apples daily could have an impact on cholesterol levels. They asked participants with slightly high blood cholesterol to eat two apples every day for eight weeks and found that this helped lower their cholesterol to healthier levels. Drinking the juice did not have the same effect. You should ea...