Bermuda triangle

  1. What Is Known (and Not Known) About the Bermuda Triangle
  2. Yahoo är en del av de varumärken i Yahoo
  3. What Is the Bermuda Triangle?
  4. The Scientific Mystery Behind The Bermuda Triangle

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What Is Known (and Not Known) About the Bermuda Triangle

AdstockRF People have been trying to solve the “mystery” of the Bermuda Triangle for years. Here’s what we know (and don’t know) about the Bermuda Triangle. What is known about the Bermuda Triangle: • The Bermuda Triangle is a region of the North • The exact boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are not universally agreed upon. Approximations of the total area range between 500,000 and 1,510,000 square miles (1,300,000 and 3,900,000 square kilometers). By all approximations, the region has a vaguely triangular shape. • The Bermuda Triangle does not appear on any • Although reports of unexplained occurrences in the region date to the mid-19th century, the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” didn’t come into use until 1964. The phrase first appeared in print in a pulp magazine article by Vincent Gaddis, who used the phrase to describe a triangular region “that has destroyed hundreds of • Despite its reputation, the Bermuda Triangle does not have a high incidence of disappearances. Disappearances do not occur with greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other comparable region of the Atlantic Ocean. • At least two incidents in the region involved U.S. military craft. In March 1918 the collier USS Cyclops, en route to Cyclops incident, no explanation was given and no wreckage was found. • Charles Berlitz popularized the legend of the Bermuda Triangle in his best-selling book The Bermuda Triangle (1974). In the book, Berlitz claimed that the fabled lost island of • In 2013 the...

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What Is the Bermuda Triangle?

In 1945, five U.S. Navy aircraft known as “Flight 19” Writers like Charles Berlitz helped popularize the Bermuda Triangle mystery in the Other skeptics note that the triangle sits in an area famous for rogue waves and storms, and they blame any disappearances on extreme ocean depths and the effects of the Gulf Stream, which can combine to quickly erase all evidence of plane crashes and shipwrecks.

The Scientific Mystery Behind The Bermuda Triangle

This article was originally published on March 11, 2021. Just off the southeast coast of the United States, there lies a span of ocean that’s long held a fearsome reputation. Ships traversing its choppy breadth disappear without a trace. Flights routed above the waters blink from radar screens, never to be seen again. The mysterious happenings have conjured stories of supernatural interference, alien kidnappings and an area somehow outside the normal bounds of physical reality. The Bermuda Triangle, it’s said, is a haunted place. That’s just one version of the story, of course. The Bermuda Triangle has been the site of a number of high-profile and still-mysterious naval and aviation disappearances. But that those disasters are the result of anything sinister, as opposed to the logical conjunction of environment and statistics, is extremely doubtful. Still, a number of people have proposed scientifically valid explanations for the disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle over the years. The ocean is a dangerous place, after all, and it’s not uncommon even today for things to go wrong. In the storm-tossed waters of the North Atlantic, safety is never a guarantee. Where is the Bermuda Triangle? The Bermuda Triangle, as it’s most commonly defined, stretches between Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico and the island of Bermuda. In all, it encompasses hundreds of thousands of square miles in the North Atlantic Ocean, a huge area. The region also sees heavy traffic fro...