Boy drawing

  1. How to Draw an Anime Boy: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
  2. The Differences Between Male and Female Portraits

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How to Draw an Anime Boy: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Use a pencil and draw a stick figure. Draw an egg shape for the head and then draw the rest of the body using lines. • You should be able to find the pose you like easier this way. Keep the limbs of the body proportioned with the head, so that the head is not too big for the body. • This stick figure is sort of like the skeleton of your anime boy. Draw the face in a sweeping motion. You can choose any expression for your anime boy, but most anime boys have sharp, defined features, with eyes slanting more at an angle towards the middle of the face. Draw a horizontal line across the middle of the face for the placement of the eyes, and a line vertically down the middle for the nose. The example here uses a normal smile and short, unkempt hair. • As you did for the body, darken the lines you want to keep for the little details. Add a bridge and a tip to the nose. • Longer strands at the base of the neck are very popular in recent animes. Focus on making the face more round and the eyes young. Babies and children tend to have baby fat, so their bodies will have more circles than straight lines. The head will also be bigger in proportion to the body, which will give them a cuter look. Take a look at some chibis for a good (but exaggerated) example.

The Differences Between Male and Female Portraits

It is hard to compare male to female faces simply because each face is unique, but there are some features in the face that can make a male portrait look more masculine or a female portrait look more feminine. In this article we're going to take a look at those features. You will be able to accentuate your drawing in those regions, so that the masculinity or femininity will become more prominent in the portrait. We'll look at various examples in this tutorial, but feel free to find your own, too, by browsing the 1. Differences in the Face Shape Generally, men have longer and larger faces than women, but this doesn't necessarily give you something to work with when it comes to drawing a very masculine or feminine portrait. What I find really helps where it concerns the face shape, is by drawing a male portrait with a square aspects to it. The cranium, as you can see in the diagram, has sharp corners as do the jawline and the neck line. Straight lines and sharp corners for the man's portrait. Whereas the female portrait has rounded curves wherever appropriate, to soften her features. The cranium is rounded, as are the cheeks and the neck line is curved rather than straightened. Rounded curves and softened corners for the woman's portrait. 2. Differences in the Eyebrows Depending on what you are aiming to portray in your male or female portrait, for this article we want to look for the traits that accentuate either sex in their features. Eyebrows play a big role. It's not imp...