Cinnamon bark

  1. Cinnamon: Health Benefits, Nutrients, Preparation Information, and More
  2. 12 Impressive Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea
  3. Cinnamon powder: Benefits, risks, and tips
  4. Cinnamon Tea: Is It Good for You? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More
  5. Cinnamon Oil Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, & Interactions

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Cinnamon: Health Benefits, Nutrients, Preparation Information, and More

This flavorful spice is most often used in baking and desserts, but traditional Chinese and Indian medicine has relied on cinnamon’s health benefits for thousands of years. Cinnamon is valued as a treatment for diabetes and gastrointestinal problems. Health Benefits The vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds in cinnamon can provide important health benefits. Cinnamon contains Magnesium and calcium work together to maintain a healthy heartbeat. These two minerals are essential for skeletal health, preventing the weakening of bones, a condition called In addition, cinnamon can provide other health benefits like: Anti- Inflammation Cinnamon is an effective anti-inflammatory. Researchers tested the phytochemicals found in cinnamon and discovered antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In one study, certain cinnamon compounds also targeted free radicals with promising results. Diabetes Control Cinnamon has proven anti-inflammatory effects, which can help prevent the development of diabetes, but it has other protective effects as well. Cinnamon has the ability to improve insulin resistance, lower glucose levels, and reverse oxidative damage. Because of this, many scientists believe it could help treat Type 2 diabetes or even prevent its initial development. Cancer Prevention Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels induced by tumor growth. One of the keys to successfully battling cancer is the interruption of angiogenesis (the process in which new blood vessels for...

12 Impressive Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon tea is an interesting beverage that may offer several health benefits. It’s made from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree, which curls into rolls while drying, forming the recognizable cinnamon sticks. These sticks are either steeped in boiling water, or ground into a powder that can be used to make the tea. Cinnamon tea is full of beneficial compounds that may offer various health benefits, including aiding weight loss, improving heart health, alleviating menstrual cramps, and reducing inflammation and blood sugar levels. Here are 12 science-based health benefits of cinnamon tea. Cinnamon tea contains lots of antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that help keep you healthy. Antioxidants fight off oxidation caused by free radicals, which are molecules that damage your cells and contribute to diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. In addition, research shows that cinnamon tea can increase total antioxidant capacity (TAC), which is a measure of the amount of free radicals your body can fight off ( Summary Cinnamon is one of the spices richest in antioxidants. Cinnamon tea may increase your body’s ability to fight off free radicals, keeping you healthy and protecting you from disease. Test-tube studies suggest that compounds in cinnamon may reduce markers of inflammation. This may be immensely beneficial, given that inflammation is thought to be at the root of many chronic diseases, including heart disease ( Studies also report that cinnamon may re...

Cinnamon powder: Benefits, risks, and tips

Cinnamon powder comes from the bark of tropical, evergreen trees. In order to harvest cinnamon, it’s peeled off of the inside of the bark of the tree. There are two main types of cinnamon: Ceylon and Cassia. The majority of the Ceylon cinnamon may sometimes be referred to as “true” cinnamon. But there’s some debate about whether or not that’s the case. Ceylon and Cassia are both cinnamon, but from different parts of the world and from slightly different types of trees. You’ve probably sprinkled cinnamon on foods like toast, rolls, and desserts. But cinnamon has uses other than for topping sweets, including improving your health. This article looks at the health benefits and side effects of eating cinnamon powder. Share on Pinterest Cinnamon’s medicinal purposes date back to ancient times. In the past, it was used to help treat a number of medical conditions, including: • respiratory illness • gynecological issues • digestive problems In more recent decades, it has shown promise as an anti-inflammatory and to help with improving cognitive function. Still, there hasn’t been enough scientific research done at this point to determine how much cinnamon is needed to help various conditions. Cinnamon and diabetes Some smaller studies have shown that cinnamon does have an effect on blood glucose levels in those with type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, there seems to be a different effect based on the type of cinnamon used. Cassia cinnamon has shown the most promise in controlling bloo...

Cinnamon Tea: Is It Good for You? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More

Cinnamon is one of the world’s favorite spices. It was once considered a precious gift for kings and monarchs, and the ancient Egyptians used it to embalm mummies. The aromatic flavoring comes from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees, but spice traders kept its origins a secret well into the middle ages to keep prices high. The bark is often ground into powdered cinnamon, but it’s steeped whole to make medicinal tea. Nutrition Information On top of antioxidants, cinnamon tea provides small amounts of nutrients such as One teaspoon of cinnamon powder provides: • 6 calories • 2 grams of carbohydrates • 0 grams of protein • 1 gram of fiber • 0 grams of fat Potential Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea Cinnamon tea is a flavorful and warm concoction that provides various health benefits. It may: Ease menstrual symptoms. Research indicates that cinnamon tea may help reduce Help your heart. Several studies have found that cinnamon can ease inflammation, lower blood pressure, and removing excess cholesterol from blood vessels. Specifically, cinnamaldehyde and cinnamophilin, two components in the spice, have been shown to lower Ease chronic inflammation. It's associated with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Cinnamon helps to reduce markers of inflammation, which in turn lowers the risk of disease. Help control your blood sugar. Studies suggest that powdered cinnamon and cinnamon tea can both be helpful when trying to control Potential Risks of Cinnamon Tea Cinnamon...

Cinnamon Oil Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, & Interactions

Was this helpful? The scent of cinnamon is spicy, sweet, and for many, filled with happy memories of delicious food and cozy days. Cinnamon oil is prized for its lush fragrance. It’s also linked to several health and beauty benefits. Cinnamon in a variety of forms has been studied for its effect on infection control, blood sugar management, and other conditions. • antibacterial • antifungal • antidiabetic • and antioxidant properties Types of cinnamon oil Cinnamon oil is derived from the bark or leaves of several types of trees, including the Cinnamomum verum tree and the Cinnamomum cassia tree. Most commercially available cinnamon oil is derived from the Cinnamomum cassia tree and is called cassia cinnamon. Cinnamon that comes from the Cinnamomum verum is called Ceylon cinnamon. This variety is more expensive. Both types are comprised of compounds and phytochemicals, such as cinnamaldehyde and eugenol. It’s these elements that make cinnamon beneficial for health. Mood enhancer Cinnamon oil’s properties make it a popular choice for at-home In aromatherapy, essential oils are diffused or spritzed into the air so they can be breathed in or absorbed into the skin. Aromatherapy has been linked to many benefits, including reduced depression and anxiety, and better sleep. Cinnamon oil’s use in aromatherapy hasn’t been extensively studied, but many people enjoy the scent of cinnamon and find it relaxing. Antibacterial properties Research suggests that cinnamon oil: • Combats hard...