Communication gap

  1. Communication in Relationships: Why It Matters and How to Improve
  2. How to close the communication gap in the workplace
  3. 15 Communication Exercises and Games for the Workplace
  4. Talking With Teens
  5. What Leads To Communication Gaps in Healthcare?
  6. How To Improve School Communication [A Detailed guide]
  7. Stop Asking Neurodivergent People to Change the Way They Communicate

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Communication in Relationships: Why It Matters and How to Improve

While all relationships are different and each one has its own ups and downs, being able to talk to your partner means that you'll be able to share your worries, show support for one another, and work together to handle conflict more effectively. In this article, learn more about why communication in relationships is so important. Also, explore some of the characteristics of good communication, learn to spot the signs of potential problems, and explore tips that can help you improve your communication skills. Benefits of Communication in Relationships According to Dr. John Gottman, a clinical psychologist and founder of the Gottman Institute, a couple's communication pattern can often predict how successful a relationship will be. Good communication can help enhance your relationship in a variety of ways: Other factors—including how much interaction a couple has, the personality characteristics of each partner, and stress—all play a part in determining how satisfied people feel in their relationship. So while research suggests that communicating well isn't a guarantee for a happy relationship, there is plenty of research indicating that good communication skills enhance relationships and well-being in a number of ways. Communication is just one part of a good relationship. Research suggests that people who are happy in their relationships are more likely to communicate well with one another. Characteristics of Effective Communication So what do experts mean when they talk ...

How to close the communication gap in the workplace

Any leader knows that the success of an organization relies on every link in the chain remaining strong. When communication breaks down, we see a ripple effect. You get the picture. If teams are having issues communicating with each other and management, getting to the root of the problem is mission critical. So how do you make it happen? Let’s talk communication gaps on the job, what it is, why it matters, and how you can improve it. What is a communication gap in the workplace? In its most basic form, a ‘communication gap’ is what happens when the receiver of the information (i.e. an employee getting instructions from their manager) misunderstands the speaker’s meaning or intention. When this occurs, the receiver may be unsure of what they are supposed to do, and either out of overconfidence or fear of reprisal, they don’t ask the speaker to repeat their instructions. Of course it’s not only instructions that can be miscommunicated. Almost every job in the world relies on solid communication at all levels. So when gaps emerge, the fundamental elements that keep an organization functioning start to break down. For example, a communication gap in the workplace is when a sales team fails to hit their target because they weren’t thoroughly briefed by upper management. They may be approaching the wrong audience, using the wrong tactics or even selling the wrong product. Gaps can also snowball into dangerous safety issues if there is miscommunication about how potential accide...

15 Communication Exercises and Games for the Workplace

We live in an information-driven society, where communication determines how fast we learn. Cooperation and collaboration underpin how we work together, and done brilliantly, can determine our competitive advantage. At the human level, our social resources play a massive part in our happiness and well-being in the workplace. We can brush it all off as too soft and fuzzy, or we can embrace communication as one of the keys to an emotionally intelligent workplace. But because the way we get along is so fundamental to organizational success and human flourishing, many more companies are focusing on the latter. In this article, you will find 15 communication exercises, games, and tips to help you improve teamwork and collaboration in your workplace. If you have any great activities that we haven’t covered, do let us know! Before you continue, we thought you might like to This Article Contains: • • • • • • • • • • What are Communication Exercises and Games? Typically, communication is seen as a ‘soft’ skill—because it’s not easily quantifiable. Compared to profits, losses, and even risk, it is intangible. Unless it’s either terrible or completely absent. Communication exercises and games are interactional activities that aim to develop how we relate to one another, including how we share information and get along. They can be one-on-one or team exercises, but the goal is the same: they help us develop our interpersonal skills and improve our capacity to relate. The Importance of...

Talking With Teens

A parent's view of speech development: it begins in infancy, blossoms in childhood, and stops dead in its tracks at adolescence. A teenager's view of speech development: "My parents don't understand a word I'm saying." You don't need a degree in communications to know that parents and teenagers seem to spend more time talking at and past one another than to or with one another. Chalk it up to different agendas, the stress of daily life, or familiarity breeding contempt. Whatever the reason, adolescents and their folks are as good at making conversation as the construction crew at the Tower of Babel. But with a little give and take, a lot of patience, and a healthy measure of R-E-S-P-E-C-T, parents and teens may be able to remove the roadblocks hindering two-way communication. To help understand talking with teens, WebMD interviewed two experts in adolescent development: Laurence Steinberg, PhD, Distinguished University Professor and Laura H. Carnell Professor of First, says Steinberg, parents need to recognize that "although your child doesn't have the same level of knowledge, information, wisdom or experience as you do, he or she has essentially the same logical tools and can see through logical fallacies and lapses in what's sensible." In other words, the "do-it-because-I-said-so" approach to talking with teens doesn't work anymore. "They can't be bullied around by power-assertive statements by parents that aren't based on any kind of logical reality," Steinberg says. Te...

What Leads To Communication Gaps in Healthcare?

Regrettably, medical organizations often fail to benefit from technology in one necessary process: communication. Conventional methods often create decisive communication gaps that hurt collaboration, care, and, eventually, outcomes. FREMONT, CA: The healthcare industry flaunts some of the most advanced technologies and scientific breakthroughs available today. Concepts that once seemed like science fiction have become a reality. Today, there is a never-ending list of technology applications in fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3D printing of medical devices or biological materials, robotic-assisted surgeries, remote health tracking, virtual reality. Regrettably, medical organizations often fail to benefit from technology in one necessary process: communication. Conventional methods often create decisive communication gaps that hurt collaboration, care, and, eventually, outcomes. Communication breakdowns are happening all through the entire continuum of care. The same way as a small hole in the ship leads to a catastrophic sinking, tiny gaps in the communication can sink the medical practices as well. It is important to continually inspect the medical practices and see if any gaps will finally become big problems. By arming the clinic with the latest communication developments in technology, one can alleviate the difficulties and widen a healthy range of care experience. Communication Gaps Between increased competition, rising deductibles, and falling reimbursem...

How To Improve School Communication [A Detailed guide]

So we can see that there are significant opportunities in pursuing a much improved and engaging school communication system. So in this guide, we talk about effective school communication, how it impacts students’ academics, and discuss different ways to improve it. Table of contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What does Effective School Communication mean to Parents, Teachers, and Students? Parents are always the first teachers in a child’s life, guiding them through those early developmental milestones. However, putting their children through school puts parents at a disadvantage because they are no longer the primary educator. In this stage, the parent-teacher relationship becomes critical. School communication allows parents to stay involved and support what is going on in the classroom. But parents who are engaged in their children’s education and maintain regular contact with teachers aren’t just there to ensure that homework is completed at the end of the day. Instead, they can encourage their child and participate in the academic program with them, demonstrating that they care about their child’s education. As a result of this interest, children tend to perform better academically and behaviorally. Teachers can also benefit from interacting with parents because it allows them to try and understand a child’s strengths and their unique personality and learning style. With the pandemic forcing education to be only in online mode and preventing face-to-face class activities a...

Stop Asking Neurodivergent People to Change the Way They Communicate

Summary. The research-backed view, emerging in recent years, is that neurotypical (NT) people and neurodivergent (ND) people are merely speaking different, but equally valid, social languages. As such, it’s on NT people, as much as it is ND people, to bridge the communication gap. While not everyone needs to become an expert on everything there is to know about autism, ADHD, and other neurodifferences, there are a few behaviors NT people can act on immediately to move towards a shared understanding with the NDs in their lives. • Check your assumptions. Beth Radulski, an autistic academic and researcher, advises allies not to assume that someone isn’t paying attention to what you’re saying simply because they aren’t ticking off all the boxes on your NT social cues checklist. Instead, gauge the outcome of the conversation for both of you. Was there shared understanding? Were mutual goals clarified? • Communicate clearly and unambiguously. This is certainly one of those areas where there’s a lot of variability between what works best for one person versus another, but as a general rule, you can’t go wrong with keeping your language free of euphemisms, sarcasm, and vagueness. • Stay flexible. Your ND coworker’s state of being is highly variable. They may have seemed just fine in that 9 am meeting, but don’t be surprised if their energy seems very different later that same day. Many ND people are susceptible to becoming overwhelmed or fatigued by sensory input. • Ask. If you’re...