Define internet

  1. How Does the Internet Work?
  2. Internet
  3. Believe it or not, Wi
  4. What is the Internet?
  5. Introduction to Internet
  6. Qué es el Internet (Concepto, Definición y Origen)

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How Does the Internet Work?

What Is the Internet, Exactly? RELATED: What Is Net Neutrality? You probably have your own “local area network” at home, and it’s made up of all the devices connected to your router, which connects to the internet. The word “internet” refers to a worldwide system of “interconnected computer networks”. That’s all the internet really is—a large number of computer networks all over the world, connected together. Of course, there’s a lot of physical hardware—from the cables under your city streets to the massive cables on the ocean floors to satellites in orbit around the planet—that makes this communication possible. There’s also a lot of software at work in the background, allowing you to type in a website address like “” and have your computer to send information to the physical location where that website is located in the fastest way possible. RELATED: Who Provides Internet Service for My Internet Service Provider? Even when you’re just connecting to a single website, there’s a lot more going on under the hood. Your computer can’t directly send a piece of information, or “packet” of data, to the computer hosting the website. Instead, it passes a packet to your home router with information about where it’s going and where the web server should reply. Your router then sends it to the routers at your internet service provider (Comcast, Time Warner, or whoever else you use), where it’s sent to To use an imperfect analogy, it’s a bit like sending a letter in the mail...


Whether the Internet is "making us stupid" is widely debated. Some argue the Internet is reprogramming our brains for the worse, as seen by diminishing IQ scores, and that new technologies and platforms like the Internet are harming attention spams, the ability to concentrate, and perform simple tasks. Others argue that virtually all new technologies throughout history have been initially feared, that the Internet gives voice to diverse populations and equal access to information for the benefit of social advancement, and that changing how the brain works and how we access and process information is not necessarily bad. For more on the debate about whether the Internet is "making us stupid," visit Whether cancel culture is good for society is widely debated. Some argue it allows the public and marginalized people to seek accountability in their leaders, gives a voice to disenfranchised or less powerful people, and is simply a new form of boycott. Others see cancel culture as a dangerous form of bullying, a suppression of free speech, and a form of intolerance that harms democratic societies by excluding and ostracizing anyone with contrary views. For more on the cancel culture debate, visit Internet, a system The Internet provides a capability so powerful and general that it can be used for almost any purpose that depends on information, and it is accessible by every individual who connects to one of its See Origin and development Early networks How does the Internet reall...

Believe it or not, Wi

CNET editor Dong Ngo has been involved with technology since 2000, starting with testing gadgets and writing code for CNET Labs' benchmarks. He now manages CNET San Francisco Labs, reviews 3D printers, networking/storage devices, and also writes about other topics from online security to new gadgets and how technology impacts the life of people around the world. For years now, the term Wi-Fi has often been synonymous with access to the internet. Most of us use "Wi-Fi" as a shortcut to mean our home broadband internet connection. And when you're traveling, free Wi-Fi is understood as free internet since that's the only reason you use Wi-Fi when out and about. In this post, I'll clarify the difference between the two often-confused terms and provide answers to other connection-related questions. Among other things, knowing the difference between Wi-Fi and internet connections can help you troubleshoot problems at home, purchase the right equipment for your network, and most importantly, understand the risk of using a free Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi As mentioned in The owner of the Wi-Fi network is in total control. She can change the name of the network, the password, the number of connected clients, allowing them to exchange data with one another or not, and so on. Even the Wi-Fi router or access point itself can be changed or turned on or off any time. A home Wi-Fi network, which is almost always hosted by a router, is independent from the internet. Meaning that any devices on t...

What is the Internet?

The Internet is generally defined as a global The Internet is Decentralized Unlike host, is independent. Operators can choose which Internet services to use and which Is Web and Internet the Same? The Internet is not synonymous with World Wide Web. The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. Recommended Reading: The Difference Between the Internet and World Wide Web. Who Owns the Internet? No one actually Number of Worldwide Users According to In September 2014, the total number of websites with a unique hostname online exceeded 1 billion. This is an increase from one website ( in 1991. The first billion Internet users worldwide was reached in 2005.

Introduction to Internet

Computers and their structures are tough to approach, and it is made even extra tough while you want to recognize phrases associated with the difficulty this is already utilized in regular English, Network, and the net will appear to be absolutely wonderful from one some other, however, they may seem like identical. A network is a group of two or more computer systems (Multiple gadgets, additionally called hosts), which are related through a couple of channels for the motive of sending and receiving data (records/media) in a shared environment. The community also can consist of serval gadgets/mediums that resource communique among or extra machines; those gadgets are called Network devices and consist of routers, switches, hubs, and bridges, amongst others. Internet is a group of computer systems connected from all around the world. The Internet protocol suite is a framework defined through the Internet standards. Methods are divided right into a layered set of protocols on this architecture. The Internet gives a huge variety of statistics and communique offerings, which includes forums, databases, email, and hypertext. It is made of the neighborhood to global personal, public networks connected through plenty of digital, wireless, and networking technologies. The Internet is a worldwide interconnected network of hundreds of thousands of computers of various types that belong to multiple networks. Working of the internet: The internet is a global computer network that conn...

Qué es el Internet (Concepto, Definición y Origen)

Internet es un neologismo del inglés que significa red informática descentralizada de alcance global. Se trata de un sistema de redes interconectadas mediante distintos protocolos que ofrece una gran diversidad de servicios y recursos, como, por ejemplo, el acceso a archivos de hipertexto a través de la web. Internet es un anglicismo que se forma por la abreviación del término International Network of Computers, que en español se podría traducir como ‘Red Internacional de Computadoras’, o también como ‘Red de redes’. En español, la palabra internet está considerada como un nombre propio. La Real Academia Española (RAE), en su diccionario, admite que se escriba con o sin mayúscula inicial. De allí que, preferentemente, se utilice sin artículo, aunque en caso de usarlo, se recomienda el uso femenino (la), ya que el nombre equivalente en español vendría a ser ‘red’, que es femenino. Origen de internet Existen dos versiones sobre el inicio de internet. La más popular señala su creación como una respuesta del Departamento de Defensa estadounidense, quienes en los años 60 buscaban la forma en la que todos los ordenadores que se utilizaban dentro de la organización funcionaran en red, aún y cuando una de las computadoras sufriera una falla debido a un ataque enemigo. Sin embargo, otra versión menos extendida señala que en esa misma época, en la Oficina para Tecnologías de Procesado de la Información (IPTO), un hombre llamado Robert Taylor ( quien se estrenaba como director de la ...