Google translate english to tamil

  1. English To Tamil Translation

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English To Tamil Translation

English To Tamil Translator Tamil has the status of being one of the classical languages of the Indian subcontinent. Tamil is one of the oldest languages of India which also has great ancient literature which has revered place among all literary works of India. It has an "Abugida" script which makes it quite difficult to learn for people. It is one of the 22 official languages of the Indian Republic. Tamil originated in Tamil Nadu state of Modern India, But its speakers have dispersed in the entire world mainly Sri Lanka. Tamil script contains eighteen consonants, twelve vowels and one special character which falls neither in the category of vowel nor consonant. It has the same status as Visarga in many Indian languages. The Tamil language originated from the original Brahmi script. English To Tamil Translator Tool This English To Tamil Translator is a Free translation tool which let you Translate from the English Language into the Tamil Language. This English To Tamil Translator is based on Google's API "Translation" which is secure, reliable and up to date. There is research ongoing in this field to make Translator more accurate but Translation is difficult work because of the intrinsic difficulty in two language's difference in Grammatical makeup and linguistic setup besides Two languages have a different shared culture which makes it quite inaccurate translation. We made this English To Tamil translator by taking into consideration the frequent needs of the user commun...