Hashmap and hashtable

  1. Hash Table/Hash Map Data Structure
  2. hash
  3. Hashtable Class (System.Collections)
  4. Everything you wanted to know about hashtables
  5. Differences between HashMap and HashTable in Java
  6. HashMap vs Hashtable vs HashSet in Java [Practical Examples]
  7. An Introduction to Hashtable and HashMap in Java
  8. Hashmap and Hashtable

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Hash Table/Hash Map Data Structure

Strengths: • Fast lookups. Lookups take time on average. • Flexible keys. Most data types can be used for keys, as long as they're Weaknesses: • Slow worst-case lookups. Lookups take time • Unordered. Keys aren't stored in a special order. If you're looking for the smallest key, the largest key, or all the keys in a range, you'll need to look through every key to find it. • Single-directional lookups. While you can look up the value for a given key in time, looking up the keys for a given value requires looping through the whole dataset— time. • Not cache-friendly. Many hash table implementations use To look up the value for a given key, we just run the key through our hashing function to get the index to go to in our underlying array to grab the value. How does that hashing method work? There are a few different approaches, and they can get pretty complicated. But here's a simple proof of concept: Grab the number value for each character and add those up. When hash table operations cost time Hash collisions If all our keys caused hash collisions, we'd be at risk of having to walk through all of our values for a single lookup (in the example above, we'd have one big linked list). This is unlikely, but it could happen. That's the worst case. Dynamic array resizing Suppose we keep adding more items to our hash map. As the number of keys and values in our hash map exceeds the number of indices in the underlying array, hash collisions become inevitable. To mitigate this, we co...


In Computing Science terminology, a A hash table is a structure for storing arbitrary data, and that data does not necessarily consist of a separate key and value. For example, I could have a hash table containing the values , which would be their own keys. When there is no value distinct from the key, this is sometimes known as a "set", and with a hash table implementation a "hash set". The defining quality of a hash table is that a hash function calculates an array index from the key data, with different keys tending to yield different indices, allowing constant time access to an array element likely to contain the key. That's an implementation / performance quality, rather than a functional quality like that defining a map. So, a hash table stores elements, each of which need not consist of distinct key and value components, but if it does then it's also a hash map. This is a high-quality answer but still misses to make the difference clear. In which situation we can implement what you explain as map(key-value) in a binary tree? why don''t people call just map instead of hashmap if the Computer Science definition is just like you explained being map? Your explanation os Hashtable is very ambiguous, it leaves margin the interpret there is no key-value, and that is not the case, your example simply communicates the key and value can be the same. @RollRoll: I've reread my answer and I think it's very clear, but I can see English isn't your first language, so let's work thr...

Hashtable Class (System.Collections)

Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key. public ref class Hashtable : System::Collections::IDictionary public ref class Hashtable : ICloneable, System::Collections::IDictionary, System::Runtime::Serialization::IDeserializationCallback, System::Runtime::Serialization::ISerializable public class Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary public class Hashtable : ICloneable, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable [System.Serializable] public class Hashtable : ICloneable, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable [System.Serializable] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public class Hashtable : ICloneable, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable type Hashtable = class interface ICollection interface IEnumerable interface IDictionary type Hashtable = class interface ICollection interface IEnumerable interface IDictionary interface ICloneable interface IDeserializationCallback interface ISerializable type Hashtable = class interface ICollection interface IEnumerable interface IDictionary interface ISerializable interface IDeserializationCallback interface ICloneable [] type Hashtable = class interface IDictionary interface ICollection interface I...

Everything you wanted to know about hashtables

Note The Hashtable as a collection of things I want you to first see a Hashtable as a collection in the traditional definition of a hashtable. This definition gives you a fundamental understanding of how they work when they get used for more advanced stuff later. Skipping this understanding is often a source of confusion. What is an array? Before I jump into what a Hashtable is, I need to mention $array = @(1,2,3,5,7,11) Once you have your items into an array, you can either use foreach to iterate over the list or use an index to access individual elements in the array. foreach($item in $array) For extremely large hashtables, the deserializing function is faster as it scales out. However, there are some things to consider when using this method. Since it uses CliXml, it's memory intensive and if you are cloning huge hashtables, that might be a problem. Another limitation of the CliXml is there is a depth limitation of 48. Meaning, if you have a hashtable with 48 layers of nested hashtables, the cloning will fail and no hashtable will be output at all. Anything else? I covered a lot of ground quickly. My hope is that you walk away leaning something new or understanding it better every time you read this. Because I covered the full spectrum of this feature, there are aspects that just may not apply to you right now. That is perfectly OK and is kind of expected depending on how much you work with PowerShell.

Differences between HashMap and HashTable in Java

• HashMap is non-synchronized. It is not thread-safe and can’t be shared between many threads without proper synchronization code whereas Hashtable is synchronized. It is thread-safe and can be shared with many threads. • HashMap allows one null key and multiple null values whereas Hashtable doesn’t allow any null key or value. • HashMap is generally preferred over HashTable if thread synchronization is not needed. Difference Between Hashmap and Hashtable S. No. Hashmap Hashtable 1. No method is synchronized. Every method is synchronized. 2. Multiple threads can operate simultaneously and hence hashmap’s object is not thread-safe. At a time only one thread is allowed to operate the Hashtable’s object. Hence it is thread-safe. 3. Threads are not required to wait and hence relatively performance is high. It increases the waiting time of the thread and hence performance is low. 4. Null is allowed for both key and value. Null is not allowed for both key and value. Otherwise, we will get a null pointer exception. 5. It is introduced in the 1.2 version. It is introduced in the 1.0 version. 6. It is non-legacy. It is a legacy. Now you must be wondering why HashTable doesn’t allow null and HashMap do? The answer is simple. In order to successfully store and retrieve objects from a HashTable, the objects used as keys must implement the hashCode method and the equals method. Since null is not an object, it can’t implement these methods. HashMap is an advanced version and improvement...

HashMap vs Hashtable vs HashSet in Java [Practical Examples]

Introduction The HashMap, Hashtable and HashSet are the classes of java.util package. This classes are the part of Java's collection framework. The HashMap class extends the AbstractMap class and implements the Serializable, Cloneable and Map interface. The Hashtable class extends Dictionary and implements Serializable and Cloneable interface. The HashSet extends AbstractSet and implements Serializable, Cloneable and Set interface. Comparing HashMap vs Hashtable vs HashSet The table below shows the similarity and differences between HashMap vs Hashtable vs HashSet. HashMap Hashtable HashSet It is a hash table based implementation of Map interface. This class implements a hash table, which maps keys to values. It is a hash table based implementation of Set interface. It stores data as a key-value pair. It stores data as a key-value pair. It stores data as an objects. It does not allow duplicate keys but duplicate values are allowed. It does not allow duplicate keys but duplicate values are allowed. It does not allow duplicate values. It allows one null key and multiple null values It does not allow any null key or value. It can contain a single null value HashMap is non synchronized class. Hashtable is synchronized class. HashSet is non Synchronized class. It is faster than Hashtable and HashSet. It is not faster than HashMap. It is not faster than HashMap. We can traverse HashMap using the iterator. We can traverse Hashtable using enumerator and iterator both. We can trave...

An Introduction to Hashtable and HashMap in Java

In computing, a Hashtable is defined as a data structure that stores data represented as key-value pairs. Compared to a map , it is more efficient for large data sets. This Java programming tutorial discusses Hashtable and HashMap data structures, their features and benefits, and how to work with them in Java. Read: Best Tools for Remote Software Developers What is a Hashtable in Java? A Hashtable is a data structure used to preserve data represented as key-value pairs. Despite its similarities with a map , it is more efficient when dealing with huge data sets. This explains why a Hashtable is a great choice in applications where performance is important. Hashtable is used for fast lookup of data, storing data in dynamic ways, or just storing it in compact ways, which makes it more efficient compared to other solutions, such as arrays or linked lists . A Hashtable is often used in programming languages, such as Java, to store data in a way that is easy to retrieve. A Hashtable can store large amounts of data quickly and easily, making it ideal for use in applications where speed is important. A Hashtable works by storing data in a table, with each piece of data having a unique key. You can retrieve data from a Hashtable using its key. Once you provide the key, you can get the corresponding value. The code snippet that follows shows how you can create an empty Hashtable instance: Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); How Does Hashtable Work in Java? Hashtable is an abstrac...

Hashmap and Hashtable

Definition of Hashmap and Hashtable Hashmap and Hashtable are some of the main data structures of java used according to the requirement. Both the data structure are part of the collection in Java. They have certain distinctions among themselves with some differences as well. This difference mainly revolves around the synchronization aspects like Hash map is non-synchronized whereas hashtable is synchronized. HashMap allows one null key, but there can be many numbers of keys as well. On the other hand, the Hash table does not follow any kind of ordering for numbers, and also it does not map to any other particular order. Syntax 0f Hashmap and Hashtable There is no particular syntax for Hashmap or Hashtable, but it is called within the method once we declare the collection while importing from the standard library with hashmap and hashtable also supported by a certain standard of the library. HashMap hm1 = new HashMap(); . . Set k_ys = hm1.keySet (); for (obj k1: k_ys) Output: Example #3 This program demonstrates the Hashmap where the List of students defined and traversed is getting updated using the update and replace function incorporating respective keys and elements as shown in the output below. import java.util.*; public class HashMap3_Ex Output: Example #5 This program demonstrates sorting being performed on the values of HashMap, as shown in the output below. import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Itera...