Html semantic tags

  1. HTML Reference
  2. Accessibility Semantic Elements
  3. HTML: A good basis for accessibility
  4. <main>
  5. Semantic HTML

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HTML Reference

Tag Description Defines a comment Defines the document type Defines a hyperlink Defines an abbreviation or an acronym Not supported in HTML5. Use Defines an acronym Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document Not supported in HTML5. Use Defines an embedded applet Defines an area inside an image map Defines an article Defines content aside from the page content Defines embedded sound content Defines bold text Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it Overrides the current text direction Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines big text Defines a section that is quoted from another source Defines the document's body Defines a single line break Defines a clickable button Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript) Defines a table caption Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines centered text Defines the title of a work Defines a piece of computer code Specifies column properties for each column within a element Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting Adds a machine-readable translation of a given content Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls Defines a description/value of a term in a description list Defines text that has been deleted fro...

Accessibility Semantic Elements

Semantic elements = elements with a meaning. Provide the user a good way to navigate and interact with your site. Make your HTML semantic. Semantics is about using the correct element in HTML. There are approximately 110 elements in HTML 5. Two of them have no meaning – and . They tell us nothing about the content. They have no built in accessibility features, so we should always check to see if any other elements are better suited. Example of semantic elements: , and . They clearly define the content. Easy example from Uber In this example from Uber, we have five elements: • A heading • A paragraph • A button • A link • An image These elements can be translated into HTML: • • • • • Is this correct? Even though Sign up to drive looks like a button, Uber has used a instead of a . This is the code, a bit simplified: Get in the driver's seat and get paid Drive on the platform with the largest network of active riders. Sign up to drive Learn more about driving and delivering This is semantically correct. The button is coded as a link, because it behaves like a link. It takes the user to another view. It does not matter that the link is styled as a button, it is still a link. The element should be used for any interaction that performs an action on the current page. The element should be used for any interaction that navigates to another view. Now that you have learned the basics of semantics, let us check which semantic elements we have in our HTML toolbox. Next up,...

HTML: A good basis for accessibility

• Previous • Overview: Accessibility • Next A great deal of web content can be made accessible just by making sure the correct Hypertext Markup Language elements are used for the correct purpose at all times. This article looks in detail at how HTML can be used to ensure maximum accessibility. Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy, a basic understanding of HTML (see Objective: To gain familiarity with the features of HTML that have accessibility benefits and how to use them appropriately in your web documents. As you learn more about HTML — read more resources, look at more examples, etc. — you'll keep seeing a common theme: the importance of using semantic HTML (sometimes called POSH, or Plain Old Semantic HTML). This means using the correct HTML elements for their intended purpose as much as possible. You might wonder why this is so important. After all, you can use a combination of CSS and JavaScript to make just about any HTML element behave in whatever way you want. For example, a control button to play a video on your site could be marked up like this: Play video Not only do HTML s have some suitable styling applied by default (which you will probably want to override), they also have built-in keyboard accessibility — users can navigate between buttons using the Tab key and activate their selection using Space, Return or Enter. Semantic HTML doesn't take any longer to write than non-semantic (bad) markup if you do it consistently from the start of your project. Eve...


A document mustn't have more than one element that doesn't have the hidden attribute specified. Permitted content Tag omission None; both the starting and ending tags are mandatory. Permitted parents Where main element. Implicit ARIA role Permitted ARIA roles No role permitted DOM interface HTMLElement The content of a element should be unique to the document. Content that is repeated across a set of documents or document sections such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms shouldn't be included unless the search form is the main function of the page. doesn't contribute to the document's outline; that is, unlike elements such as , headings such as doesn't affect the Apples The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree. Red Delicious These bright red apples are the most common found in many supermarkets. … … Granny Smith These juicy, green apples make a great filling for apple pies. … … Skip navigation, also known as "skipnav", is a technique that allows an assistive technology user to quickly bypass large sections of repeated content (main navigation, info banners, etc.). This lets the user access the main content of the page faster. Adding an id attribute to the element lets it be a target of a skip navigation link.

Semantic HTML

With over 100 HTML elements, and the ability to create custom elements, there are infinite ways to mark up your content; but some ways—notably semantically—are better than others. Semantic means "relating to meaning". Writing semantic HTML means using HTML elements to structure your content based on each element's meaning, not its appearance. This series hasn't covered many HTML elements yet, but even without knowing HTML, the following two code snippets show how semantic markup can give content context. Both use a word count instead of ipsum lorem to save some scrolling—use your imagination to expand "thirty words" into 30 words: The first code snippet uses and , two elements with no semantic value. Three words one word one word one word one word five words three words forty-six words forty-four words seven words sixty-eight words forty-four words five words Do you get a sense of what those words expand to? Not really. Let's rewrite this code with semantic elements: Three words one word one word one word one word five words three words forty-six words forty-four words seven words sixty-eight words forty-four words five words Which code block conveyed meaning? Using only the non-semantic elements of and , you really can't tell what the content in the first code block represents. The second code example, with semantic elements, provides enough context for a non-coder to decipher the purpose and meaning without having e...