Isha foundation

  1. Inner Engineering
  2. Isha Stay
  3. Isha Foundation
  4. Donate to Isha Foundation
  5. Official Website of Sadhguru, Isha Foundation

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Inner Engineering

“As there is a science and technology to create external well-being, there is a whole dimension of science and technology for inner well-being.” —Sadhguru Inner Engineering is a technology for well-being derived from the science of Yoga. It is offered as a comprehensive course for personal growth that brings about a shift in the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in. The objective of the program is to render you to explore your highest potential through powerful processes of self transformation, distilled essence of classical yoga, meditations to address key aspects of life and access to secrets of ancient wisdom. Inner Engineering offers a unique opportunity for self-exploration and transformation, leading to a life of fulfillment and joy.

Isha Stay

Isha Yoga Center is a space designed to impart tools for wellbeing to all. It is done through various Yoga programs, Yoga-based health and rejuvenation programs and Yoga teacher training programs among others. Program participants, volunteers and meditators who wish to visit and make use of the tools for wellbeing offered here can avail of the stay at the Center. Visitors who wish to be in the Dhyanalinga, a profound meditative space, dedicate time towards their inner growth can also avail of the stay at the center. Please note: Bookings made for purposes other than those mentioned above will not be considered valid. If you wish to stay in a hotel, guest house or resort, or if you are looking for a casual stay for a vacation, we request you to book accommodation outside the Isha Yoga Center. For more information, please refer to the

Isha Foundation

The Yoga Centre at the Isha Foundation was founded in 1994, Yoga classes for business leaders are intended to "introduce a sense of compassion and inclusiveness" to economics. A yoga course for the Activities The foundation organises gatherings ( [ citation needed] The Kailash- ₹5 million (US$63,000) per person in 2021, with cheaper options available in which devotees receive limited interaction with Vasudev. The centre hosts an annual seven-day-long music and dance festival culminating in the all-night celebration of The foundation sells various products such as yoga mats, personal care products and accessories. Its US chapter reported revenues of $25m in 2020, Social and environmental initiatives Project GreenHands Project GreenHands (PGH) was established in 2004 as an environmental organisation. Its activity is largely focused on Action for Rural Rejuvenation Action for Rural Rejuvenation is a health and community-oriented program focusing on rural Tamil Nadu. It was established in 2003, and as of 2010, operated in 4,200 villages with a population of seven million. Action for Rural Rejuvenation hosts the annual Gramotsavam sports festival in Tamil Nadu, promoting sports as a part of daily life in rural communities to improve mental and physical well-being. Isha Vidhya Isha Vidhya, an education initiative, aims to raise education and literacy in rural India by providing quality English-language-based, computer-aided education for children. There are seven Isha Vidhya Sch...

Donate to Isha Foundation

Whether it is through cash contributions or donations in kind, time, or expertise, Isha Foundation offers a variety of opportunities for you to extend your support. Donations can be made directly to specific Isha projects of your choice or to the general fund of the Foundation that supports a host of activities. Your contributions help us to reach out to more and more people offering opportunities and encouraging sustainable living, thus fulfilling Sadhguru's vision of creating a joyful, loving and peaceful world for all. "Let us make it happen!" I wish to donate directly to Isha Foundation (India) Note: This will be the fastest way to get donations directly to Isha Foundation. This is optional. If you use this option, you will forego your tax benefits available through Section 501(c)(3) in the USA and tax deductable donations in the UK. To donate to Isha USA, please uncheck this box.

Official Website of Sadhguru, Isha Foundation

Save Soil Movement Save Soil is an effort to address this degeneration of soil, by inspiring at least 3.5 billion people, which is 60% of the world’s electorate, to support long-term government policies to revitalize soil. Your participation is essential for this movement to reach the required scale, and have the necessary impact. Sadhanapada participants share the profound impact of their involvement in the 7-month Sadhanapada program at the Isha Yoga Center. Their volunteering activities, known as seva, have not only transformed their own lives but also contributed to projects with tremendous social and environmental impact. Designed by Sadhguru, the 7-month Sadhanapada program offers an opportunity for participants to become instruments of transformation in the world through various campaigns and projects of the Isha Foundation. The Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya Mandala feature on the Sadhguru App can support you in completing your 40-day mandala and effortlessly establishing the Shambhavi practice within your system, helping you to stay committed to your practice, and ultimately experience the life-transforming benefits of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. Over the last 25-30 years, there have been a few motivated groups—small, yet loud and vicious—who have relentlessly slandered Isha Foundation without an iota of factual substance. Today, with fake news, paid media and social media at hand, we see these vested groups weaving a systematized web of lies, finding insidious ways to ...