Maharana pratap vanshaj list

  1. Maharana Pratap Biography : Life History, Achievements & Death
  2. महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्य गाथा (Maharana Pratap Biography In Hindi)
  3. Battle of Haldighati
  4. महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्य गाथा (Maharana Pratap Biography In Hindi)
  5. Maharana Pratap Biography : Life History, Achievements & Death
  6. Battle of Haldighati
  7. महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्य गाथा (Maharana Pratap Biography In Hindi)
  8. Maharana Pratap Biography : Life History, Achievements & Death
  9. Battle of Haldighati

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Maharana Pratap Biography : Life History, Achievements & Death

Maharana Pratap was a renowned Rajput warrior and a king of Mewar, Rajasthan, in north-western India. One of the greatest Rajput warriors, he is recognised for resisting the attempts of the Mughal ruler Akbar to conquer his territory. Unlike the other neighbouring Rajput rulers, Maharana Pratap repeatedly refused to submit to the mighty Mughals and continued fighting courageously till his last breath. A symbol of Rajput gallantry, diligence and valour, he was the only Rajput warrior to take on the might of Akbar, the Mughal Emperor. For all his courage, sacrifice and fiercely independent spirit, he is honoured as a hero in Rajasthan. Childhood and Early Life Maharana Pratap was born on May 9, 1540, in Kumbhalgarh Fort to Jaiwanta Bai and Udai Singh II. He had three younger brothers and two stepsisters. His father, Udai Singh II, was the king of Mewar and his capital was Chittor. In 1567, the Mughal forces surrounded Mewar’s capital, Chittor. Instead of fighting with the Mughal forces, Udai Singh left the capital and shifted his family to Gogunda. Though Pratap resisted this decision and insisted on staying back, but the elders were able to convince him that leaving the place was the right decision. A temporary government of the kingdom of Mewar was set by up by Udai Singh and his courtiers in Gogunda. In 1572, after the demise of Udai Singh, Rani Dheer Bai insisted that Uday Singh’s eldest son, Jagmal, should be crowned as the king, but the senior courtiers felt that Prata...

महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्य गाथा (Maharana Pratap Biography In Hindi)

राणाप्रतापसिंहजिन्हेंमहाराणाप्रतापकेनामसेभीजानाजाताहै, प्रतापकाजन्म 9 मई 1540 कोकुम्भलगढ़, राजस्थानमेंहुआथा।वहमेवाड़के 13वेंराजाऔरउदयसिंहद्वितीयकेज्येष्ठपुत्रथे।अंग्रेजीकैलेंडरकेअनुसारमहाराणाप्रतापजयंतीहरसाल 9 मईकोपड़तीहै।जबकि, हिंदूकैलेंडरकेअनुसार, महाराणाप्रतापकाजन्मज्येष्ठमहीनेकीशुक्लपक्षकीतृतीयातिथिकोहुआथा।इसहिसाबसेराजस्थानमेंइसवर्षमहाराणाकीजयंती 2 जून 2022 कोमनाईजारहीहै। महाराणाप्रतापकेघोड़ेकानामचेतकथा, युद्धकेदौरानचेतकनेकिलेसेछलांगलगादीथी।जिसकेबादवहघायलहोगयाऔरकुछदिनबादचेतककीमृत्युहोगई। 1579 केबाद, मेवाड़परमुगलदबावकमहुआऔरप्रतापनेकुम्भलगढ़, उदयपुरऔरगोगुन्दासहितपश्चिमीमेवाड़कोपुनःप्राप्तकरलिया।इसअवधिकेदौरान, उन्होंनेआधुनिकडूंगरपुरकेपासएकनईराजधानीचावंडकाभीनिर्माणकिया। महाराणाप्रतापसातफुटपांचइंचलंबेथेऔरउनकावजन 110 किलोथा।उनकेसीनेकेकवचकावजन 72 किग्राऔरउनकेभालेकावजन 81 किग्राथा।महाराणाप्रतापकीढाल, भाला, दोतलवारेंऔरकवचकाकुलवजनलगभग 208 किलोथा। उनकीग्यारहपत्नियां, पांचबेटियांऔरसत्रहबेटेथे।उनकीपत्नियोंकेनामहैंअजबदे​​पंवार, रानीलखबाई, रानीचंपाबाईझाटी, रानीशाहमतीबाईहाड़ा, रानीरत्नावतीबाईपरमार, रानीसोलंखिनीपुरबाई, रानीअमरबाईराठौर, रानीफूलबाईराठौर, रानीआलमदेबाईचौहान, रानीजसोबाईचौहानऔररानीखिचरआशाबाई। 1567 मेंमुगलसेनानेमेवाड़कीराजधानीचित्तौड़कोघेरलिया।मुगलसेनासेलड़नेकेबजाय, उदयसिंहनेराजधानीछोड़दीऔरअपनेपरिवारकोगोगुन्दामेंस्थानांतरितकरदिया।हालांकिप्रतापनेइसफैसलेकाविरोधकियाऔरवापसजानेपरजोरदिया, लेकिनबुजुर्गउन्हेंसमझानेमेंसक्षमथेकिजगहछोड़नासहीफैसलाथा।मेवाड़राज्यकीएकअस्थायीसरकारउदयसिंहऔरउसकेदरबारियोंद्वारागोगुन्दामेंस्थापितकीगईथी। 1572 मेंउदयसिंहकेनिधनकेबाद, रानीधीरबाईनेजोरदेकरकहाकिउदयसिंहक...

Battle of Haldighati

• • • • Bahlol Khan † • • Sayyid Hashim of Barha( WIA) • Jagannath Kachhwa( WIA) • Madho Singh Kachhwa • Ghias-ud-din Ali Asaf Khan • Madho Singh Kachwaha • Mulla Qazi Khan( WIA) • Shah Mansur( WIA) • Rao Lonkarn • Mihtar Khan Strength 3,000 400 Unknown number of elephants 10,000 men Unknown number of elephants Casualties and losses 500 dead (According to 1,600 dead or wounded (Mewari sources) 150 dead (According to Battle of Haldighati (South Asia) Show map of South Asia The Battle of Haldighati was a battle fought on 18 June 1576 The The site of the battle was a narrow mountain pass at Despite the reverse at Haldighati, Pratap continued his resistance against the Mughals through guerrilla warfare, and by the time of his death had regained much of his ancestral kingdom. Background After his accession to the throne, Akbar had steadily settled his relationship with most of the Rajput states, with the exception of Mewar, acknowledged as the leading state in The first emissary was Jalal Khan Qurchi, a favoured servant of Akbar, who was unsuccessful in his mission. Next, Akbar sent Man Singh of A final emissary, Prelude Rana Pratap, who had been secure in the rock-fortress of haldi). The Rana, who had been apprised of Man Singh's movements, was positioned at the entrance of the Haldighati pass, awaiting Man Singh and his forces. Army strength Mewari tradition has it that the Rana's forces numbered 20,000, which were pitted against the 80,000-strong army of Man Singh. While Acc...

महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्य गाथा (Maharana Pratap Biography In Hindi)

राणाप्रतापसिंहजिन्हेंमहाराणाप्रतापकेनामसेभीजानाजाताहै, प्रतापकाजन्म 9 मई 1540 कोकुम्भलगढ़, राजस्थानमेंहुआथा।वहमेवाड़के 13वेंराजाऔरउदयसिंहद्वितीयकेज्येष्ठपुत्रथे।अंग्रेजीकैलेंडरकेअनुसारमहाराणाप्रतापजयंतीहरसाल 9 मईकोपड़तीहै।जबकि, हिंदूकैलेंडरकेअनुसार, महाराणाप्रतापकाजन्मज्येष्ठमहीनेकीशुक्लपक्षकीतृतीयातिथिकोहुआथा।इसहिसाबसेराजस्थानमेंइसवर्षमहाराणाकीजयंती 2 जून 2022 कोमनाईजारहीहै। महाराणाप्रतापकेघोड़ेकानामचेतकथा, युद्धकेदौरानचेतकनेकिलेसेछलांगलगादीथी।जिसकेबादवहघायलहोगयाऔरकुछदिनबादचेतककीमृत्युहोगई। 1579 केबाद, मेवाड़परमुगलदबावकमहुआऔरप्रतापनेकुम्भलगढ़, उदयपुरऔरगोगुन्दासहितपश्चिमीमेवाड़कोपुनःप्राप्तकरलिया।इसअवधिकेदौरान, उन्होंनेआधुनिकडूंगरपुरकेपासएकनईराजधानीचावंडकाभीनिर्माणकिया। महाराणाप्रतापसातफुटपांचइंचलंबेथेऔरउनकावजन 110 किलोथा।उनकेसीनेकेकवचकावजन 72 किग्राऔरउनकेभालेकावजन 81 किग्राथा।महाराणाप्रतापकीढाल, भाला, दोतलवारेंऔरकवचकाकुलवजनलगभग 208 किलोथा। उनकीग्यारहपत्नियां, पांचबेटियांऔरसत्रहबेटेथे।उनकीपत्नियोंकेनामहैंअजबदे​​पंवार, रानीलखबाई, रानीचंपाबाईझाटी, रानीशाहमतीबाईहाड़ा, रानीरत्नावतीबाईपरमार, रानीसोलंखिनीपुरबाई, रानीअमरबाईराठौर, रानीफूलबाईराठौर, रानीआलमदेबाईचौहान, रानीजसोबाईचौहानऔररानीखिचरआशाबाई। 1567 मेंमुगलसेनानेमेवाड़कीराजधानीचित्तौड़कोघेरलिया।मुगलसेनासेलड़नेकेबजाय, उदयसिंहनेराजधानीछोड़दीऔरअपनेपरिवारकोगोगुन्दामेंस्थानांतरितकरदिया।हालांकिप्रतापनेइसफैसलेकाविरोधकियाऔरवापसजानेपरजोरदिया, लेकिनबुजुर्गउन्हेंसमझानेमेंसक्षमथेकिजगहछोड़नासहीफैसलाथा।मेवाड़राज्यकीएकअस्थायीसरकारउदयसिंहऔरउसकेदरबारियोंद्वारागोगुन्दामेंस्थापितकीगईथी। 1572 मेंउदयसिंहकेनिधनकेबाद, रानीधीरबाईनेजोरदेकरकहाकिउदयसिंहक...

Maharana Pratap Biography : Life History, Achievements & Death

Maharana Pratap was a renowned Rajput warrior and a king of Mewar, Rajasthan, in north-western India. One of the greatest Rajput warriors, he is recognised for resisting the attempts of the Mughal ruler Akbar to conquer his territory. Unlike the other neighbouring Rajput rulers, Maharana Pratap repeatedly refused to submit to the mighty Mughals and continued fighting courageously till his last breath. A symbol of Rajput gallantry, diligence and valour, he was the only Rajput warrior to take on the might of Akbar, the Mughal Emperor. For all his courage, sacrifice and fiercely independent spirit, he is honoured as a hero in Rajasthan. Childhood and Early Life Maharana Pratap was born on May 9, 1540, in Kumbhalgarh Fort to Jaiwanta Bai and Udai Singh II. He had three younger brothers and two stepsisters. His father, Udai Singh II, was the king of Mewar and his capital was Chittor. In 1567, the Mughal forces surrounded Mewar’s capital, Chittor. Instead of fighting with the Mughal forces, Udai Singh left the capital and shifted his family to Gogunda. Though Pratap resisted this decision and insisted on staying back, but the elders were able to convince him that leaving the place was the right decision. A temporary government of the kingdom of Mewar was set by up by Udai Singh and his courtiers in Gogunda. In 1572, after the demise of Udai Singh, Rani Dheer Bai insisted that Uday Singh’s eldest son, Jagmal, should be crowned as the king, but the senior courtiers felt that Prata...

Battle of Haldighati

• • • • Bahlol Khan † • • Sayyid Hashim of Barha( WIA) • Jagannath Kachhwa( WIA) • Madho Singh Kachhwa • Ghias-ud-din Ali Asaf Khan • Madho Singh Kachwaha • Mulla Qazi Khan( WIA) • Shah Mansur( WIA) • Rao Lonkarn • Mihtar Khan Strength 3,000 400 Unknown number of elephants 10,000 men Unknown number of elephants Casualties and losses 500 dead (According to 1,600 dead or wounded (Mewari sources) 150 dead (According to Battle of Haldighati (South Asia) Show map of South Asia The Battle of Haldighati was a battle fought on 18 June 1576 The The site of the battle was a narrow mountain pass at Despite the reverse at Haldighati, Pratap continued his resistance against the Mughals through guerrilla warfare, and by the time of his death had regained much of his ancestral kingdom. Background After his accession to the throne, Akbar had steadily settled his relationship with most of the Rajput states, with the exception of Mewar, acknowledged as the leading state in The first emissary was Jalal Khan Qurchi, a favoured servant of Akbar, who was unsuccessful in his mission. Next, Akbar sent Man Singh of A final emissary, Prelude Rana Pratap, who had been secure in the rock-fortress of haldi). The Rana, who had been apprised of Man Singh's movements, was positioned at the entrance of the Haldighati pass, awaiting Man Singh and his forces. Army strength Mewari tradition has it that the Rana's forces numbered 20,000, which were pitted against the 80,000-strong army of Man Singh. While Acc...

महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्य गाथा (Maharana Pratap Biography In Hindi)

राणाप्रतापसिंहजिन्हेंमहाराणाप्रतापकेनामसेभीजानाजाताहै, प्रतापकाजन्म 9 मई 1540 कोकुम्भलगढ़, राजस्थानमेंहुआथा।वहमेवाड़के 13वेंराजाऔरउदयसिंहद्वितीयकेज्येष्ठपुत्रथे।अंग्रेजीकैलेंडरकेअनुसारमहाराणाप्रतापजयंतीहरसाल 9 मईकोपड़तीहै।जबकि, हिंदूकैलेंडरकेअनुसार, महाराणाप्रतापकाजन्मज्येष्ठमहीनेकीशुक्लपक्षकीतृतीयातिथिकोहुआथा।इसहिसाबसेराजस्थानमेंइसवर्षमहाराणाकीजयंती 2 जून 2022 कोमनाईजारहीहै। महाराणाप्रतापकेघोड़ेकानामचेतकथा, युद्धकेदौरानचेतकनेकिलेसेछलांगलगादीथी।जिसकेबादवहघायलहोगयाऔरकुछदिनबादचेतककीमृत्युहोगई। 1579 केबाद, मेवाड़परमुगलदबावकमहुआऔरप्रतापनेकुम्भलगढ़, उदयपुरऔरगोगुन्दासहितपश्चिमीमेवाड़कोपुनःप्राप्तकरलिया।इसअवधिकेदौरान, उन्होंनेआधुनिकडूंगरपुरकेपासएकनईराजधानीचावंडकाभीनिर्माणकिया। महाराणाप्रतापसातफुटपांचइंचलंबेथेऔरउनकावजन 110 किलोथा।उनकेसीनेकेकवचकावजन 72 किग्राऔरउनकेभालेकावजन 81 किग्राथा।महाराणाप्रतापकीढाल, भाला, दोतलवारेंऔरकवचकाकुलवजनलगभग 208 किलोथा। उनकीग्यारहपत्नियां, पांचबेटियांऔरसत्रहबेटेथे।उनकीपत्नियोंकेनामहैंअजबदे​​पंवार, रानीलखबाई, रानीचंपाबाईझाटी, रानीशाहमतीबाईहाड़ा, रानीरत्नावतीबाईपरमार, रानीसोलंखिनीपुरबाई, रानीअमरबाईराठौर, रानीफूलबाईराठौर, रानीआलमदेबाईचौहान, रानीजसोबाईचौहानऔररानीखिचरआशाबाई। 1567 मेंमुगलसेनानेमेवाड़कीराजधानीचित्तौड़कोघेरलिया।मुगलसेनासेलड़नेकेबजाय, उदयसिंहनेराजधानीछोड़दीऔरअपनेपरिवारकोगोगुन्दामेंस्थानांतरितकरदिया।हालांकिप्रतापनेइसफैसलेकाविरोधकियाऔरवापसजानेपरजोरदिया, लेकिनबुजुर्गउन्हेंसमझानेमेंसक्षमथेकिजगहछोड़नासहीफैसलाथा।मेवाड़राज्यकीएकअस्थायीसरकारउदयसिंहऔरउसकेदरबारियोंद्वारागोगुन्दामेंस्थापितकीगईथी। 1572 मेंउदयसिंहकेनिधनकेबाद, रानीधीरबाईनेजोरदेकरकहाकिउदयसिंहक...

Maharana Pratap Biography : Life History, Achievements & Death

Maharana Pratap was a renowned Rajput warrior and a king of Mewar, Rajasthan, in north-western India. One of the greatest Rajput warriors, he is recognised for resisting the attempts of the Mughal ruler Akbar to conquer his territory. Unlike the other neighbouring Rajput rulers, Maharana Pratap repeatedly refused to submit to the mighty Mughals and continued fighting courageously till his last breath. A symbol of Rajput gallantry, diligence and valour, he was the only Rajput warrior to take on the might of Akbar, the Mughal Emperor. For all his courage, sacrifice and fiercely independent spirit, he is honoured as a hero in Rajasthan. Childhood and Early Life Maharana Pratap was born on May 9, 1540, in Kumbhalgarh Fort to Jaiwanta Bai and Udai Singh II. He had three younger brothers and two stepsisters. His father, Udai Singh II, was the king of Mewar and his capital was Chittor. In 1567, the Mughal forces surrounded Mewar’s capital, Chittor. Instead of fighting with the Mughal forces, Udai Singh left the capital and shifted his family to Gogunda. Though Pratap resisted this decision and insisted on staying back, but the elders were able to convince him that leaving the place was the right decision. A temporary government of the kingdom of Mewar was set by up by Udai Singh and his courtiers in Gogunda. In 1572, after the demise of Udai Singh, Rani Dheer Bai insisted that Uday Singh’s eldest son, Jagmal, should be crowned as the king, but the senior courtiers felt that Prata...

Battle of Haldighati

• • • • Bahlol Khan † • • Sayyid Hashim of Barha( WIA) • Jagannath Kachhwa( WIA) • Madho Singh Kachhwa • Ghias-ud-din Ali Asaf Khan • Madho Singh Kachwaha • Mulla Qazi Khan( WIA) • Shah Mansur( WIA) • Rao Lonkarn • Mihtar Khan Strength 3,000 400 Unknown number of elephants 10,000 men Unknown number of elephants Casualties and losses 500 dead (According to 1,600 dead or wounded (Mewari sources) 150 dead (According to Battle of Haldighati (South Asia) Show map of South Asia The Battle of Haldighati was a battle fought on 18 June 1576 The The site of the battle was a narrow mountain pass at Despite the reverse at Haldighati, Pratap continued his resistance against the Mughals through guerrilla warfare, and by the time of his death had regained much of his ancestral kingdom. Background After his accession to the throne, Akbar had steadily settled his relationship with most of the Rajput states, with the exception of Mewar, acknowledged as the leading state in The first emissary was Jalal Khan Qurchi, a favoured servant of Akbar, who was unsuccessful in his mission. Next, Akbar sent Man Singh of A final emissary, Prelude Rana Pratap, who had been secure in the rock-fortress of haldi). The Rana, who had been apprised of Man Singh's movements, was positioned at the entrance of the Haldighati pass, awaiting Man Singh and his forces. Army strength Mewari tradition has it that the Rana's forces numbered 20,000, which were pitted against the 80,000-strong army of Man Singh. While Acc...