
  1. Popmoney Review: How It Works & Which Banks Use It
  2. Celebrities With Surprising College Degrees - Money Pop

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Popmoney Review: How It Works & Which Banks Use It

By Shen Lu What is Popmoney? Popmoney ® is a payment service that allows people to transfer money between bank accounts using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network. The service is powered by To use this service, you can sign up at or download the mobile app, with your bank account information. If your Is Popmoney safe to use? Popmoney But the service offers limited fraud protection. You as a user could be liable for unauthorized transfers if you don’t report such transactions to Popmoney in a timely manner. If you notify the company within two business days after discovering a fraud, you are liable for up to $50. If you wait longer than two business days, you may be liable for as much as $500. If you don’t report at all within 60 days, your liability may be unlimited. The company bears no responsibility for transactions where either the information of the sender or receiver entered through the service is inaccurate, nor is it liable for resulting damages. If users inform Popmoney of such incidents, the service will make a “reasonable effort” to stop or recover a payment made to the wrong person or entity, but there is no guarantee of recovery. Because of the lack of robust fraud protections, users should be vigilant about scams. Even though your bank account information won’t be shared, you should make sure that you know the person you are exchanging money with. When you receive a request for money, verify the sender’s number or email carefully to avoid f...

Celebrities With Surprising College Degrees - Money Pop

Most celebrities aren't really known for their brains — unless they're famous for being smart, like Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. In reality, a lot of famous folks know way more than we give them credit for. Some of them have college degrees that might surprise you. Keep reading to find out which Monty Python star almost became a lawyer and what degree the legendary Gene Simmons holds! Natalie Portman Has A Bachelor's In Psychology "I felt like there had been some mistake," she later recalled, "that I wasn’t smart enough to be in this company, and that every time I opened my mouth I would have to prove that I wasn’t just a dumb actress." A conflict she had within herself, she handled mightily by grabbing her degree from Harvard. She went already a star, just after the release of Star Wars and came back with the paper to show that she wasn't just some dumb actress. It might surprise you to know that London-born Cohen attended a private school before going to one of the most prestigious colleges in England, Christ's College, Cambridge. He graduated with an upper-second-class degree in History, while also being a part of the university dramatic society. It's hard to imagine him being serious, isn't it? The sports information program actually no longer exists. Ferrel said, "Yes, you heard me, sports information. A program so difficult, so arduous, that they discontinued it eight years after I left. Those of us with sports information degrees are an elite group. We’re like t...