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EMV 3DS is an entirely new payment security standard, including new functionality like mobile in-app payments and new protocols that share data across the three domains: Merchant, Payment Network, and Issuer. While there are certification labs that verify EMV 3DS protocol capabilities, there was no end-to-end payment simulator until mSIGNIA created one. Originally, the Payment Simulator was a reference merchant used to demonstrate mSIGNIA’s uSDK against mock EMV 3DS components (Server, DS, and ACS). When prospects and customers like one of the largest payment networks in the world asked to use mSIGNIA’s Payment Simulator for their own product demonstrations and brand testing, mSIGNIA made the platform a product and the most powerful 3DS testing tool in the industry. mSIGNIA’s Payment Simulator contains a complete payment environment: • Reference merchant storefront… browsers, iOS app, Android app all integrating mSIGNIA’s EMV 3DS compliant uSDK and routing 3DS data through the uMPI; mobile apps can run either in a web simulator or on actual iOS and Android devices • 3DS Server … mSIGNIA’s compliant 3DS Server • Directory Server … a protocol compliant reference server for message routing • ACS … an issuer environment where either • Card numbers determine one of over 100 ACS responses (i.e. approve, challenges, OOB) • Behavioral biometrics data for SCA testing is scored by a working risk engine in real-time The Payment Simulator is a wonderful tool for EMV 3DS awareness and ...


Project Leader Dr. Edgar Lopez-Rojas Dataset sample: Description PaySim, a Mobile Money Payment Simulator The Mobile Money Payment Simulation case study is based on a real company that has developed a mobile money implementation that provides mobile phone users with the ability to transfer money between themselves using the phone as a sort of electronic wallet. The task at hand is to develop an approach that detects suspicious activities that are indicative of fraud. Unfortunately, during the initial part of our research this service was only been running in a demo mode. This prevented us from collecting any data that could had been used for analysis of possible detection methods. The development of PaySim covers two phases. During the first phase, we modelled and implemented a MABS that used the schema of the real mobile money service and generated synthetic data following scenarios that were based on predictions of what could be possible when the real system starts operating. During the second phase we got access to transactional financial logs of the system and developed a new version of the simulator which uses aggregated transactional data to generate financial information more alike the original source. Kaggle has featured PaySim1 as dataset of the week of april 2018. See the full article: PaySim first paper of the simulator: Please refer to this dataset using the following citations: E. A. Lopez-Rojas , A. Elmir, and S. Axelsson. "PaySim: A financial mobile money si...

‎PaySim OOB App en App Store

mSIGNIA’s Payment Simulator (or PaySim) is a complete, end-to-end payment simulation platform for testing compliance and interoperability including enabling 3rd-party product demonstration for various payment initiatives such as EMV 3D-Secure versions 2.1 and 2.2, SCA, FIDO, and W3C related Web Authentication and Payment Request APIs. The PaySim OOB App allows simulating Out Of Band (OOB) authentication with the PaySim Merchant app.