Plum salicylic acid face wash

  1. The 12 Best Salicylic Acid Products of 2023

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The 12 Best Salicylic Acid Products of 2023

Like The science behind If these skincare benefits sound good to you (and why wouldn't they?), then it might be time to explore other products containing salicylic acid, including for the scalp, hair, and body. Many products on this list combine salicylic acid with other actives for intense exfoliating and other benefits. Check out the best salicylic acid products to use for softer, smoother skin. What to Look For in a Product with Salicylic Acid Moisturizing ingredients Like other acids found in skincare (glycolic, lactic) salicylic is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and can cause sensitivity . If you haven't used products that contain the ingredient before or your skin tends to react to new products, it's always a good idea to start slow—many of the products on this list are meant to be used only once or twice per week. You can also look for moisturizing ingredients paired with salicylic acid to help prevent irritation and dryness. Product type Whether you prefer an intensive peel for an occasional or weekly treatment or you want a light treatment to apply every day, consider your beauty routine when adding a step to it. Pads containing salicylic acid can be convenient for when you're on the go, while a toner can be added to your nightly skincare regimen. Salicylic acid-packed formulas range from body wash and shampoo to lotion and peels. Fragrance-free formulas Again, salicylic acid is one of those ingredients that can cause sensitivity for some people, especially after fir...