Pneumonia symptoms in children

  1. Walking Pneumonia in Children
  2. Walking Pneumonia in Kids: Symptoms, Treatment, and More

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Walking Pneumonia in Children

What is walking pneumonia in children? Walking pneumonia is a type of lung infection. It is a mild form of pneumonia that can be life threatening for some people. Children with walking pneumonia may feel very tired and run down. But they may still be able to do many of their normal daily activities. The illness is rare in children younger than 5 years old. What causes walking pneumonia in a child? Viruses or bacteria can cause walking pneumonia. The most common cause of the illness in school-aged children is the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It also causes bronchitis and chest colds. M. pneumoniae can spread easily among children. That is especially true when they are in close contact with one another, such as in the same household, at school, or at a camp. The germ can spread through airborne droplets from sneezing, coughing, or talking. It is most often spread in the fall and winter. What are the symptoms of walking pneumonia in a child? Children with walking pneumonia may have these symptoms: • Fever, often low grade • Tiredness (fatigue) • Headache • Skin rash • General feeling of sickness • Cough, dry to phlegmy • Ear infections • Croup • Sinus infection • Sore throat • Wheezing in children who have an airway problem such as asthma These symptoms may appear anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks after exposure to the viruses or bacteria. They may last from a week to a month. How is walking pneumonia diagnosed in a child? Your child’s healthcare provider can often diagnose walki...

Walking Pneumonia in Kids: Symptoms, Treatment, and More

In the United States, pneumonia is not as life-threatening as it once was because of antibiotics and other modern treatments. In developing countries, however, pneumonia is still a big threat to children. One of the most common types of pneumonia is Walking pneumonia in children generally does not lead to hospitalization. Symptoms of walking pneumonia are usually less severe than symptoms of other types of pneumonia. Symptoms of walking pneumonia are often similar to the symptoms of a common cold. Children tend to be more resilient than adults, and they may not act sick. A child with walking pneumonia will usually eat and sleep normally, and have normal bowel habits. Some of the main symptoms of walking pneumonia include: • cough lasting more than seven days • low-grade • headache • chills or body aches • decreased appetite in older children • chest or rib pain • feeling of general malaise or discomfort • labored breathing in severe cases • wheezing, which is more common in severe viral infections All types of pneumonia are due to a lung infection. Walking pneumonia is often caused by an infection with the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. M. pneumoniae infection is less common in children under 4 years old. Many cases of walking pneumonia are caused by respiratory viruses, such as One M. pneumoniae infection tends to occur in three- to four-year cycles. Another If you smoke in your home or have caregivers that smoke around your child, your child may be more susceptible to ...