Police phone number

  1. Police
  2. Police
  3. Non Emergency Police Number? What Is It and When to Use It
  4. List of emergency telephone numbers

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Integrity, Intelligence, Initiative The nearly 400 employees and more than 100 volunteers of the Lakewood Police Department are committed to providing the highest possible level of police service to our community. The mission of the LPD is "to serve and protect with integrity, intelligence and initiative." Department Accreditation CALEA hosts an Accreditation Public Comment Portal The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) is considered “The Gold Standard in Public Safety.”CALEA's In 1969, an unincorporated area of Jefferson County officially became the City of Lakewood -the fourth-largest city in Colorado. The Lakewood Department of Public Safety became operational on May 3, 1970, and in 1987, its name was changed to the Lakewood Police Department. The new department predictably experienced growing pains but continued solid development under the leadership of seven police administrations. As of this writing in June 2020, the eighth and currentchief, Daniel McCasky, with a command staff of two division chiefs, Anita Koester and Ed Loar, they lead a department of more than 400 employees and 100-plus volunteers. The department has relocated several times through the decades.In 1984, it moved to its permanent site at 445 S. Allison Pkwy. Since 1970, the motto: Integrity, Intelligence, Initiative has defined the way the department does business. The goal of every employee is to serve the citizens of Lakewood with the highest level of commitment. In 19...


The members of the Concord Police Department are dedicated to providing the highest quality police services in order to enhance community safety, protect life and property, and reduce crime and the fear of crime. To do this, we pledge to develop a partnership with the community, lead a community commitment to resolve problems, and improve the safety and quality of life in our city. Police Chief Mark Bustillos regularly reports to the Concord City Council on the department’s efforts to ensure public safety.

Non Emergency Police Number? What Is It and When to Use It

Table of Contents • • • • • • • • What is a police non emergency number and when should you use it instead of 911? Police departments typically offer a non-emergency number that can be used to contact them for less urgent matters. These numbers are intended for situations that do not require an immediate response from emergency services, such as reporting a crime that has already occurred or requesting information about an ongoing investigation. In general, 911 should only be used for emergency situations where lives are in danger or a crime is currently in progress. Attempting to contact the police department through 911 for non-urgent matters can tie up vital resources and delay response times for people who are experiencing a true emergency. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the non-emergency number for your local police department and only use 911 when it is absolutely necessary. How do you know if an incident is considered a police non emergency? When deciding whether or not to call the police, it is important to first determine whether the situation is a non-emergency. Generally speaking, a non-emergency is any incident that does not pose an immediate threat to life or property. Examples of non-emergencies include noise complaints, routine traffic accidents, and theft of property that has already occurred. If you are unsure whether or not your situation qualifies as a non-emergency, you can always err on the side of caution and call the police. ...

List of emergency telephone numbers

A fire truck in In many countries, dialing either Africa Country Police Ambulance Fire Notes 1548 14 Gendarme - 1055 113 112/116 115 999 117 112 118 117 112 118 999 997 998 Mobile phones - 112. 17 112 18 112 Police - 117; Ambulance - 119; Fire - 118; Electricity emergency - 8010. 132 130 131 117 1220 118 17 2251-4242 18 Ambulance - 2251-1237. 17 772-03-73 18 Ambulance - 773-26-04. 117 118 112 118 17 19 18 112 or 122 123 180 Tourist police - 126; Traffic police - 128; Electricity emergency - 121; Gas emergency - 129; Mobile phones - 112. 114 115 112 Traffic police - 116. 113 114 116 999 977 933 911 Police - 991; 907; 939; 945. 1730 1300 18 117 116 118 Police - 112; Electricity emergency - 124; Water emergency - 125. 112 Police - 191; Ambulance - 193; Fire - 192. 117 18 442-020 Maritime Emergency Service - 19; Gendarmerie - 118; National Gendarmerie - 122 112 Police - 117; Ambulance - 119; Fire - 118. 110 or 111 or 170 185 180 911 112 or 999 or 911 1515 Ambulance - 193. 123 121 122 117 124 118 Traffic police - 3600. 997 998 999 Police - 990. 17 15 18 Ambulance - 112, Fire - 112. 112 114 115 Police - 999; Fire - 995. 117 101 118 Gendarmerie - 116; Traffic police - 119. 112 Police - 17; Ambulance - 15; Fire - 18. 19 15 Royal gendarmerie - 177; Drugs & alcohol service - 113; Racial discrimination hotline - 114; Non-emergency disturbances - 110; General information - 160; National Freeway call center - 5050; Mobile phones - 112. 119 117 198 10 111 depending on town/city dependin...