Rishikesh weather 10 days

  1. 14 Day Long Range Forecast for Rishikesh
  2. Long range weather for Rishikesh
  3. Rishikesh, India 10

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14 Day Long Range Forecast for Rishikesh

Long range weather outlook for Rishikesh includes 14 day forecast summary: Reviewing the forecast for Rishikesh Over the next 14 days and the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 39°C, with a high for the two weeks of 44°C expected on the afternoon of Saturday 17th. The mean minimum temperature will be 25°C, dipping to its lowest on the evening of Monday 19th at 22°C. The coming 14 days will have some days seeing a little precipitation and some days with rain. Predictions are Sunday 25th will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 82.0mm. On the whole winds are likely to be light.

Long range weather for Rishikesh

Check out our estimated 30 days weather forecast for Rishikesh, as mentioned above it based on the average weather in Rishikesh in the last few years and not on forecast models. For a more accurate and detailed forecast, check out the Our long range weather data for Rishikesh is updated daily in order to provide you with the most accurate weather data.

Rishikesh, India 10

Air in motion relative to the surface of the earth. Wind develops from pressure differences in the air. An area of high pressure and low pressure oppose each other and set up a pressure gradient force that moves from high to low pressure. This force creates a wind as air is pushed in the according direction. The stronger the pressure difference, the stronger the force, and the stronger the resultant wind. Wind is described as the prevailing direction of which the wind is blowing as a speed in units of miles per hour or knots.