
The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance because: (a) It has given India a strategic advantage due to the Trans Indian ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia.

Khatu Shyam Ji Mandir is a holy site in the district of Sikar, Rajasthan, and is one of the most important in the state. Khatu Shyam Ji is the manifestation of Ghatotkacha’s son, Barbarika, according to Hindu mythology.

The temple was built in 1444AD. According to the inscription inside the temple, village name was Badri, therefore, the idol is considered as BadriNath. The deity of Charbhuja Nath is considered to be miraculous. Then the king Shri Gang Dev got divine instruction in his dream to install the idol to be recovered from water.

Tap “Share” to start sharing your location. Open Google Maps on your phone or tablet. Search for the place you want to add to your map. Tap and hold the location on the map. Select “Add to map” from the list of options. Choose the map you want to add the location to. Add a name and description if you want to.

Chrome Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge More ways to improve location accuracy If you get an error like "Your location cannot be determined" or your location is still wrong, here are some.

Step 1: Go to Google Maps on your device and Step 2: Once the map loads, the app might center on your location automatically. In case it does not, click on the 'Current Location' button in the bottom-right corner. Step 3: Then, your phone might ask you to give Google Maps permission to see your location. Choose 'Allow'. Must Read

Today through late this evening is we can expect another thick plume of smoke to pass across the state from west to southeast. A northwest wind and low relative humidity in combination with hundreds of wildfires in Quebec, Canada is keeping our air smoky. The thickest smoke this afternoon will be seen in western and Central New York as well as.

THE BERMUDA Triangle is a mysterious area of the world where many aircraft have supposedly disappeared under supernatural circumstances over the years, with many other inexplicable events also.

With its connectedness to other cities by train, bus, and metro, nearby markets, and parks, properties are prime in the neighborhood of Sarojini Nagar; Offices such as the head post office, NMDC Building Maintenance Services, and of multinational companies, Sarojini Nagar is a busy neighborhood; National Highways 48 and 24 pass through Sarojini.

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At a distance of 600 m from Shirdi Bus Stand, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple is situated in the center of Shirdi town. It is one of the most famous shrines of pilgrimage in India and also prime place to include in your Shirdi Tour Packages.

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