
₹66 ₹₹66 0% off Paradichlorobenzene Information Paradichlorobenzene Benefits & Uses Paradichlorobenzene Dosage & How to Take Paradichlorobenzene Side Effects Paradichlorobenzene Related Warnings Paradichlorobenzene Contraindications Frequently asked Questions about Paradichlorobenzene Paradichlorobenzene Interactions with Food and Alcohol

If you do continue to use moth balls, choose a brand that contains paradichlorobenzene instead of naphthalene because it is less harmful. If clothing was stored with moth balls, wash and air out before allowing it to be worn by children. Report any moth ball exposures to the Connecticut Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222.

How Waxrub Ear Drop works. Waxrub Ear Drop is a combination of four medicines: Benzocaine, Chlorbutol, Paradichlorobenzene and Turpentine Oil. Benzocaine is a local anesthetic. It works by blocking pain signals from the nerves to brain which decreases sensation of pain. Chlorbutol is a preservative.

Medicinal Benefits BENZOCAINE+CHLOROBUTANOL+PARADICHLOROBENZENE+TURPENTINE OIL is a combination of four medicines: Paradichlorobenzene, Benzocaine, Chlorobutanol, and Turpentine oil. Paradichlorobenzene acts as a hydrating agent. It softens the ear wax by reducing its thickness. Benzocaine acts as a local anesthetic and prevents pain.

INTRODUCTION WAXACTIN EAR DROPS is a combination of Paradichlorobenzene, Benzocaine, Chlorbutol and Turpentine Oil which belongs to the group of medicines called Otic agents, Local anaesthetics, Wax softeners and Lubricating agent. It is indicated in the patients who have impacted wax and keratosis (build-up of keratin in the ear canal).