
The satellite has been built by 750 girl students from across India to mark the 75th year of Independence.. (ISRO) will launch 75 payloads developed and built by 750 girl students from across.

From 2007 to 2019, unemployment rates for people of prime-working-age (ages 25–54) decreased from 3.7 percent to 3.0 percent in metro counties and from 3.9 percent to 3.7 percent in nonmetro counties. Examining unemployment rates of the prime-working-age population minimizes the effect that an aging population may have on unemployment rates.

The correct answer is -Micro-credit programmes have become increasingly important in rural development as they provide small loans to the poor, especially those in rural areas, who are.

(a) Promoting poverty eradication in rural areas; (b) Promoting pro-poor planning and budgeting at the national and local levels; (c) Addressing basic needs and enhancing provision of and access.

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The Rural and Family Lands Protection Program plays a crucial role in preserving these vital resources for future generations,” said Commissioner Wilton Simpson. “I am proud to announce the opening of the program’s application cycle, which provides an opportunity for landowners to partner with us in conserving and protecting our working.

Direct aid to states, to a large extent, created jobs in the private sector. Every increase of $100,000 in state aid increased employment by 3.8 jobs for a year, of which 3.2 jobs were outside the.

The same economic forces that reduce poverty, including rural development and urbanization, can increase inequalities. Moreover, poverty is now rising due to the COVID-19 crisis. All evidence.

Instead of eye-popping price tags, rural areas are faced with a housing crisis caused by low-incomes and high energy costs, as well as de-clining support for housing subsidies2.

Rural and urban development strategies can be explicitly made more pro-poor by optimizing the employment impact of physical upgrading strategies in infrastructure and service delivery, providing social-safety nets, and other alternatives in the form of unemployment insurance, micro financing or job training.

The Census Bureau’s urban-rural classification is a delineation of geographic areas, identifying both individual urban areas and the rural area of the nation. The Census Bureau’s urban areas represent densely developed territory, and encompass residential, commercial, and other non-residential urban land uses. The Census Bureau delineates.

Finally, research has shown that rural residents have limited access to and use of online health information compared to urban residents, 18 particularly online access involving high speed Internet. 19 They also have lower access to health care providers. 20 Given that people identify health care professionals and Internet as their primary.