
Book Muzaffarpur to Motihari trains – Approximately 9 trains are found running between Muzaffarpur to Motihari covering a distance of approx 80 kms. Trains from Muzaffarpur to Motihari are listed below along with their schedule, time table, and ticket fare.

Generally, Sitamarhi Bairagnia trains complete this journey in 00 hours and 24 minutes. Sitamarhi Bairagnia Passenger Trains There is a total of 4 passenger trains between Sitamarhi and Bairagnia. The below table lists them all. Sitamarhi Bairagnia Superfast Trains There is a total of 2 superfast trains between Sitamarhi and Bairagnia.


1. The polling was currently held for 806 posts in 1,673 polling centres for 58 municipalities. 2. A total of 4,431 candidates - 2,197 male and 2,234 female – were in the fray. 3. Nine candidates.

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Punaura Dham, Sitamarhi. 9,124 likes · 202 talking about this · 76,553 were here. Sita mata ki Janam Sthali hai (PUNAURA DHAM)