
Play all विधायक और मंत्री ने मिलकर अपनी ही सरकार को धोया - 1.5K views2 days ago गहलोत कर गए 3 गलतियां, अब पायलट ने दिया 15 दिन का अल्टीमेटम - 1.3K views2 days ago.

What is the meaning of 'vidhayak' in English? Translate विधायक in English language. What does विधायक stand for? Is it verb or noun or adverb? Vidhayak Meaning in English Here only one word has been listed for the hindi word 'विधायक'. Its meaning is 'legislator'. 'विधायक' can be transliterated into english as 'vidhayak'.

सावधान विश्राम को ENGLISH में क्या कहते है? Savdhan Vishram ko English mein Kya kahate hai? #factsopposite of attentionsavdhan.