
How does chemical coordination occur in plants?W)📲PW App Link - 🌐PW Website -

Q.9 What is the need for a system of control and coordination in an organism ?#controlandcoordination #ncertsolutions

Chemical coordination in animals takes place through the hormones secreted by the endocrine glands . Coordination in animals takes place through hormone system as well as nervous system which is called endocrine system. Endocrine glands secrete animal hormones directly into the blood that reach to the specific cells . Special type

Control and coordination in plants is done by some chemical substances called phytohormones or plant hormones. Animals use hormones along with the whole nervous system for ensuring the activity of control and coordination.

Name two tissues which provide control and coordination in animals.

Class 10 Biology Notes - Chapter 12 - Coordination and Control - Notes that contain overview, questions and key points of the chapter.

Q11. How does chemical coordination take place in animals?.Recommendations for Term Short Notes, Revision Notes An.

In hemoglobin, the red heme complex is bonded to a large protein molecule (globin) by coordination of the protein to a position above the plane of the heme molecule. Note the square planar structure around the Fe atom.