
Neutral grip refers to how the bar/handle is being gripped (pronated/supinated/neutral etc.), wide grip refers to where the person is gripping on the bar. You can have a wide neutral grip pulldown by using a lat pulldown bar that has neutral grips on the end. Table of Contents show What muscles do neutral grip pull downs work? Biceps Brachii.

The wide grip pulldown is a beginner level exercise perfect for enhancing those back and biceps muscles, so the focus is on strength and building your physique (1). It is, of course, very similar to the traditional lat pulldown , except the grip is wider and will work those lats and other muscles differently.

The only close-grip lat pulldown equipment that you really need is the following: cable machine. There are however many different close-grip lat pulldown variations that you can try out that may require different types of close-grip lat pulldown equipment or may even require no equipment at all.

The outside of the ball is easy to grip and typically made of plastic. Inside the ball, you'll find the gyroscope, which makes the ball spin with power. As you grip the ball and move your forearm and wrists, the ball will begin to spin. Increase your movements, and the ball will spin faster in its shell. Read more: Benefits of Hand Grip Exercises.