
Vessels are the tissues in angiosperms for the conduction of minerals and water. These are tubular dead cells with thick walls. Vessels are highly developed tissues. Comparison Table What are the Vessel Elements? Vessel elements form the building block for water transportation in the plants.

Curd and sour substances should not be kept in brass and copper vessels because when acid reacts with metal such as brass and copper then salt is formed and hydrogen gas is released . which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal ? Illustrate with an example . how willyou test for the presence of this gas.

Curd and sour substances should not be kept in brass and copper vessels because when acid reacts with metal such as brass and copper then salt is formed and hydrogen gas is released . which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal ?

Sulfuric acid ( American spelling and the preferred IUPAC name) or sulphuric acid ( Commonwealth spelling ), known in antiquity as oil of vitriol, is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen, with the molecular formula H2SO4. It is a colorless, odorless and viscous liquid that is miscible with water. [6]

Lemon juice and baking soda This method works best for badly tarnished copper. A simple homemade copper cleaner to banish tarnish can be made by combining lemon juice with baking soda and.

Answer 5 people found it helpful gamer222 Copper coating of stainless steel does help faster heat conduction and more even heating of the vessel, but it adds to the cost. Since the stainless steel vessels have long life, they are not upgraded and thus many kitchens have plain stainless steel vessels only. Find Chemistry textbook solutions? Class 12