Semantic tags in html

  1. Semantic HTML: What It Is and How It Improves Your Site
  2. What Is Semantic HTML and Why You Should Use It
  3. web component
  4. HTML Accessibility
  5. Semantic HTML (With Examples)
  6. Semantic Tags in HTML
  7. HTML semantics cheat sheet · Web Dev Topics · Learn the Web
  8. HTML Semantic Elements

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Semantic HTML: What It Is and How It Improves Your Site

However, not all methods are created equal. Often, how you write your HTML is just as important as what your HTML shows to visitors. Specifically, I’m talking about semantic HTML, HTML code that says what it does. In this introductory guide, I’ll introduce you to semantic HTML — what it is, how to write it, and why it’s important for every marketer and burgeoning web developer to adopt. We’ll finish up by listing some common semantic elements to add to your tool belt. What is semantic HTML? Semantic HTML (also called semantic markup) is HTML code that uses HTML tags to effectively describe the purpose of page elements. Semantic HTML code communicates the meaning of its elements to both computers and humans, which helps web browsers, search engines, assistive technologies, and human developers understand the components of a web page. The key to well-written semantic HTML is the use of semantic tags. Semantic HTML tags have names that tell the person or machine reading the code what exactly they’re meant to do. Here’s a basic example: The (paragraph) tag is a semantic HTML tag — all content between its opening tag and closing tag is a block of paragraph of text. Anyone or any device reading this tag will understand its purpose. Some other common semantic HTML tags are: • , , , etc.: Headings on the page in descending order of importance. • : A hyperlink. • : A button element. • and : These elements signal that the text inside them is important. • and : Ordered and unord...

What Is Semantic HTML and Why You Should Use It

What Is Semantic HTML? Semantic HTML or semantic markup is HTML that introduces meaning to the web page rather than just presentation. For example, a tag indicates that the enclosed text is a paragraph. This is both semantic and presentational because people know what paragraphs are, and browsers know how to display them. Why You Should Care About Semantics The benefit of writing semantic HTML stems from what should be the driving goal of any web page: the desire to communicate. By adding semantic tags to your document, you provide additional information about that document, which aids in communication. Specifically, semantic tags make it clear to the browser what the meaning of a page and its content is. That clarity is also communicated with search engines, ensuring that the right pages are delivered for the right queries. Semantic HTML tags provide information about the contents of those tags that goes beyond just how they look on a page. Text that is enclosed in the tag is immediately recognized by the browser as some type of coding language. Instead of trying to render that code, the browser understands that you are using that text as an example of the code for the purposes of an article or online tutorial. Using semantic tags gives you many more hooks for styling your content, too. Perhaps today you prefer to have your code samples display in the default browser style, but tomorrow, you might want to call them out with a gray background color; later still, you migh...

web component

HTML5 introduced a variety of new semantic tags (such as , and ) to replace divs and similar generic tags where appropriate. This seems like a good thing. I've been experimenting with Polymer, and the Web Components spec seems like the future, albeit a little ahead of its time. In particular, its custom tag names and ability to separate data from layout makes pages of HTML extremely semantic and readable. The components have templates that form the shadow DOM, and the templates are populated using content tags that select data elements based on their tag names. Putting HTML5's semantic tags and tags together seems like a no-brainer, distributing uniquely-named elements rather than trying to insert three s in three different places and relying on declaration order. In particular, it would be great if we could use custom semantic tags for data, and use those semantic names for selection. For example, a name card component could have tags that select data elements such as and rather than using attributes. However, and are not valid tags in HTML5. Browsers treat all unrecognised tags as elements, so there would be no implementation problems with allowing custom tags in the DOM. They would carry additional semantic information for readers of the code, and potentially search engine crawlers as well. Code might be less consistent, but arguably 'better'. If this is too vague a question, I'll make it explicit: is there a definitive reason why tags such as are not valid HTM...

HTML Accessibility

HTML Accessibility Always write HTML code with accessibility in mind! Provide the user a good way to navigate and interact with your site. Make your HTML code as semantic as possible. Semantic HTML Semantic HTML means using correct HTML elements for their correct purpose as much as possible. Semantic elements are elements with a meaning; if you need a button, use the element (and not a element). Report an Error Semantic HTML gives context to screen readers, which read the contents of a page out loud. With the button example in mind: • buttons have more suitable styling by default • a screen reader identifies it as a button • focusable • clickable A button is also accessible for people relying on keyboard-only navigation; it can be clickable with both mouse and keys, and it can be tabbed between (using the tab key on the keyboard). Examples of non-semantic elements: and - Tells nothing about its content. Examples of semantic elements: , , and - Clearly defines its content. Headings Are Important Headings are defined with the to tags: Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 Search engines use the headings to index the structure and content of your web pages. Users skim your pages by its headings. It is important to use headings to show the document structure and the relationships between different sections. Screen readers also use headings as a navigational tool. The different types of heading specify the outline of the page. headings should be us...

Semantic HTML (With Examples)

HTML tags can be categorized into two types based on semantics in HTML. They are: • Semantic Tag • Non-semantic Tag Semantic HTML elements clearly define the purpose and meaning of code. Semantic Tags The tags which accurately describe their purpose and describe the type of their content are called semantic tags. For example, Header From the above code, we can accurately tell that the content inside the tag is a heading. Some examples of semantic tags are 一 - , , , , etc Non-Semantic Tags HTML non-semantic tags do not have a specific meaning or purpose. They are used to create general-purpose containers for content without providing any additional meaning or context. For example, Some Text From the above code, we cannot extract the meaning of the text. This code could come from any section of the document thus it adds no semantic value to the document. Some examples of non-semantic tags are 一 , , etc Examples of some Semantic Tags There are many semantic HTML tags that can be used to give meaning to the content of a webpage. Some examples of semantic HTML tags include Semantic Tag Description defines a paragraph of a document defines the header of a document or section of a document defines the footer of a document or section of a document define a section of the page that contains navigation links used to specify independent, self-contained content defines some content aside from the content it is placed in. It is more like a sidebar specifies the main content of ...

Semantic Tags in HTML

Semantic HTML tags Overview HTML Semantic tags introduce meaning to the web page rather than just presentation. A semantic tag clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. Semantic tags have many advantages over non-semantic tags like semantic tags are of great help to screen readers, and they also help in code optimization. Scope of Article • You will learn about HTML semantic tags in detail. • This article will give you insights into what HTML semantic tags are and why they are important. • Every semantic tag is explained with an example in this article. Introduction to Semantic tags HTML Semantic tags indicate what the content is rather than just how the browser displays them. Semantic elements: A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. E.g.: , , and - can tell the type of content by tag name. Non-semantic elements: Unlike semantic elements, they don’t have any meaning. They don’t tell anything about the content they contain. They can be used with different attributes to mark up semantics common to a group. Following is the list of some non-semantic elements: div and span. A Semantic tag clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. For example, a developer knows content inside is of the navigation bar, and the browser knows how to display it. Various HTML Semantic Tags are: • • • • • • • • • • Why Use Semantic Tags • By using Semantic tags in our code, we can provid...

HTML semantics cheat sheet · Web Dev Topics · Learn the Web

• For embedding movies into a website. • poster is the path to an image that’s displayed before the video plays. • autoplay will hint the video to start automatically. • loop triggers whether the video should repeat or not. • muted can be added to not play sound by default. • controls shows or hides the browser’s player buttons. • Links to phone numbers • Start with tel:, use international format • Call Me! • Also send a text message with sms: • Call Me!Call Me! • Links to email addresses • Pops open a new email message, start with mailto: • ThomasThomasThomas • %20 is used to escape spaces— Date/time formats

HTML Semantic Elements

Semantic elements = elements with a meaning. What are Semantic Elements? A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. Examples of non-semantic elements: and - Tells nothing about its content. Examples of semantic elements: , , and - Clearly defines its content. Semantic Elements in HTML Many web sites contain HTML code like: to indicate navigation, header, and footer. In HTML there are some semantic elements that can be used to define different parts of a web page: HTML Element The element defines a section in a document. According to W3C's HTML documentation: "A section is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading." Examples of where a element can be used: • Chapters • Introduction • News items • Contact information A web page could normally be split into sections for introduction, content, and contact information. WWF The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment, formerly named the World Wildlife Fund. WWF was founded in 1961. WWF's Panda symbol The Panda has become the symbol of WWF. The well-known panda logo of WWF originated from a panda named Chi Chi that was transferred from the Beijing Zoo to the London Zoo in the same year of the establishment of WWF. HTML Element The element specifies independent, self-contained content. An article should make sense on its own, and it should be po...