Shihab chittur live location today

  1. Where Is Shihab Chittur Today, Know The Live Location Of The Man Who’s Walking His Way To Hajj
  2. Shihab Chittur Hajj Route Map, Location Live Today, Age, Wiki, Networth, and Updates

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Where Is Shihab Chittur Today, Know The Live Location Of The Man Who’s Walking His Way To Hajj

Shihab of Malappuram, Kerala, plans to travel across 6 nations in order to reach Makkah for the Hajj in 2023. Kanjipura Chotoor native Shihab intends to trek from Malappuram to Mecca. Shihab intends to travel across six nations in eight months to get there. Shihab intends to perform the Hajj by walking from Malappuram to Mecca. Shihab Chittur Hajj Route Map and real-time location updates can be found here. Shihab hopes to visit Mecca, Saudi Arabia in eight months after setting off on his trek on June 2 and completing the Hajj in 2023. Shihab had always wanted to complete the Hajj by walking from Kerala to Makkah. On June 2, the journey to achieving that lofty goal will begin. For Muslims, Mecca is the most sacred location on earth. To undertake Hajj here is every believer's greatest ambition. Check

Shihab Chittur Hajj Route Map, Location Live Today, Age, Wiki, Networth, and Updates

Shihab Chittur is a well-known as a resident from Kerela, India who decided to make Hajj 2023, which will take place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Shihab is the only person from Kerela during the 20th century to be able reach Mecca. Shihab started his journey in the month of July 2022 in order to participate in Hajj 2023, a traditional transport medium, despite the accessibility of modern amenities. He walks at least 25 miles each day and travels through India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia before arriving in Makkah to attend Haj in February 2023. The 29-year old from Chottur in close proximity to Valanchery set off for his home following an early morning prayers, performing “duas,” and saying good-bye to his family and friends. Some locals and family members joined Shihab for a short time before breaking off and Shihab continued on his own journey. According to the reports, Shihab is only carrying his essentials and will eat and rest in mosques along the way. He has completed on the very first day to Parappanangadi He will remain in the Parappanangadi’s Juma Masjid of Parappanangadi and will resume his journey next Friday. in an interview with Shihab declared that he is planning to walk at least 25km a each day. The distance from his hometown as well as Mecca is 8640 kilometers. Based on his estimates that it will take approximately 280 days to get up to Mecca. His intention is to arrive at Mecca before the time of The Haj Pilgrimages to be held in the near fut...