Which of the following soils will have the highest percolation rate

  1. Soil Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 9
  2. [Solved] Which of the following statements is true? S1
  3. Water Absorption in Soil

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Soil Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 9

Soil Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 9 Soil Class 7 Science Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1. In how many groups the soil has been categorised? Name them. Answer: The soil has been categorised into four major groups, i.e. • clay • silt • sand • gravel Question 2. Which soil is considered to be the most fertile and used for growing crops? Answer: Loamy soil is the most fertile soil and used for growing crops. Question 3. Which type of soil absorbs more water but allows less wateMo percolate? Answer: Clayey soil absorbs more water but allows less water to percolate. Question 4. Give the formula to calculate the absorption percentage. Answer: The absorption percentage of water can be calculated by the formula given below \(\begin \times 100=15 \%\) Soil Class 7 Science Extra Questions Miscellaneous Questions Multiple Choice Questions Question 1. B-horizon is also called as (a) topsoil (b) subsoil (c) parent rock (d) substratum Answer: (b) subsoil Question 2. The microorganisms present in the soil require moisture (water) and nutrients for growth and survival. Choose from the options below, the habitat (place) where the soil has plenty of water and nutrients. [NCERT Exemplar] (a) Desert (b) Forest (c) Open field (d) Cricket ground Answer: (b) Forest Question 3. Humus helps in making soil (a) thick (b) hard (c) porous (d) dead Answer: (a) thick Question 4. Availability of water and minerals in the soil for maximum absorption by roots is in the...

[Solved] Which of the following statements is true? S1

Concept: • The amount of water that can pass through the soil is defined as percolation. • The percolation rate of water is different in different types of soil. • Percolation is highest in the sandy soil and least in the clayey soil. • The formula for percolation rate is \(percolation rate (mL/min) = \)​ Explanation: Statement S1 is true. • A soil with high percolation rate has low water holding capacity. (True) • The particles of sand are quite large. Because they cannot fit close together, there are large gaps between them. These areas are surrounded by air. The sand is said to be well aerated. Water can quickly drain through the gaps between the sand particles. Hence, sandy soils are light, well-aerated, and relatively dry. Statement S2 is false. • A soil with high percolation rate has low aeration. (False) • Clay particles are much smaller, they pack together tightly, leaving little space for air. • Water can be held in the tiny gaps between the particles of clay, unlike sandy soil. • Clay has the ability to hold both nutrients and water that plants can use. • It results in very small pore spaces, which results in poor aeration and water drainage. • Hence, clayey soils have less air. They are heavier than sandy soils because they hold more water.

Water Absorption in Soil

In general, soil can be defined as the material found on the surface of the earth, which is composed of inorganic and organic materials. We have a number of soil types like loam, clay sand, silt, and more. Soil is made of fine rock particles of different sizes. These are derived from the sedimentary and weathered igneous rocks after environmental factors such as wind, rain, heat, cold, and more related have acted upon the rock particles. This caused the rock particles to break down to smaller ones, which on the accumulation in flat or shallow surfaces eventually come to constitute the soil. Soil formation has been moving on this planet for a very long time, about billions of years ago and it seems to be a happening process that will continue as long as this planet exists. Also, of all the natural resources, the soil is one of the most important ones. Because soil provides life not only to the plants by supplying water and nutrients to it, but also to the many other living organisms. It also provides food to us humans, and to the other animals as well, because it is the base of all agricultural activity. Therefore, the soil is that part of our life that cannot be separated from us. Since soil is such an important part of our life, it automatically becomes an important part for the students as well. And hence Vedantu has provided a complete understanding of the soil and all the factors regarding it. Percolation Rate of Water in the Soil The process of moving any liquid very ...