
  1. अज्ञात का पर्यायवाची
  2. अज्ञात
  3. There are unknown unknowns

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अज्ञात का पर्यायवाची

अज्ञात का पर्यायवाची | Synonyms of Agyat शब्द पर्यायवाची अज्ञात अनजान | अपरिचित | गैर | अनजाना | नावाकिफ़ | बेगाना | ऐरा-गैरा | अनवगत | अनभिज्ञ | नामालूम | अविदित | अजनबी | Agyat Anjaan | Aparichit | Gair | Anjana | Navakif | Begana | Aera-gaira | Anavgat | Anbhigya | Namalum | Avidit | Ajnabi | इसे भी जानें ⇓ ‘ पर्याय ’ शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति(निर्वचन) ‘पर्याय’ शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति परि उपसर्ग पूर्वक इण् गतौ(परावनुपात्यय इणः, अष्टाध्यायी-3/3/38) धातु में घञ् प्रत्यय लगकर निष्पन्न होता है, जिसका तात्पर्य होता है- परितः ईयते गम्यते शब्दार्थः अनेन इति पर्यायः अर्थात् जिसके द्वारा चारो ओर से शब्दार्थ का बोध होता है। ‘ पर्याय ’ शब्द का सामान्य अर्थ 1. समानार्थक शब्द। समान अर्थ को प्रकट करने वाला शब्द। समान अर्थ का वाचक शब्द। समानार्थवाची शब्द। पर्यायवाची 2. परम्परा। क्रम। सिलसिला। अनुक्रम। 3. प्रकार। भेद। तरह। ढंग। 4. प्रणाली। व्यवस्था। 5. सदृश। समान। बराबर। 6. तरीका। प्रक्रिया की प्रणाली। रीति। 7. एक प्रकार का अलंकार(अर्थालंकार) जिसमें एक वस्तु अनेक आश्रय ग्रहण करता है। घुमाफिरा कर कहना। वक्रोक्ति या वाक्प्रपंच से कहने की रीति। 8. अवसर। मौका। 9. द्रव्य(वस्तु) का धर्म। द्रव्य(वस्तु) का अंश। 10. बारी। उत्तराधिकार। उचित या नियमित क्रम। 11. सृष्टि। निर्माण। तैयारी। रचना। ‘ पर्याय ’ शब्द का पर्यायवाची समानार्थी। समार्थी। पर्यायवाची। एकार्थवाची। एकार्थवाचक। एकार्थबोधक। एकार्थी। पर्यायवाचक। ‘ पर्यायवाची ’ शब्द के विपरीतार्थक शब्द विपर्याय। अपर्याय। विपरीतार्थ। विलोम। The word synonym means that it is similar or nearly identical to any other word or phrase in the same language. समान अर्थ का...


What is अज्ञात meaning in English? The word or phrase अज्ञात refers to . See Tags for the entry "अज्ञात" What is अज्ञात meaning in English, अज्ञात translation in English, अज्ञात definition, pronunciations and examples of अज्ञात in English. अज्ञात का हिन्दी मीनिंग, अज्ञात का हिन्दी अर्थ, अज्ञात का हिन्दी अनुवाद, ajnyaata का हिन्दी मीनिंग, ajnyaata का हिन्दी अर्थ.

There are unknown unknowns

" There are unknown unknowns" is a phrase from a response Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones. The statement became the subject of much commentary. In The Decision Book, author Mikael Krogerus Known unknowns refers to "risks you are aware of, such as canceled flights," Origins [ ] Rumsfeld's statement brought attention to the concepts of known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns, but national security and intelligence professionals have long used an analysis technique referred to as the The term was also commonly used inside The terms "known unknowns" and "unknown unknowns" are often used in Contemporary usage is largely consistent with the earliest known usages. For example, the term was used in evidence given to the British Columbia Royal Commission of Inquiry into Uranium Mining in 1979: Site conditions always pose unknowns, or uncertainties, which may become known during construction or operation to the detriment of the facility and possibly lead to damage of the environment or endanger public health and safety. The risk posed by u...