Dhanurasana procedure benefits and contraindications

  1. Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute): Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications
  2. How to do Dhanurasana?
  3. 50 Types of Yoga Asanas & Their Health Benefits – Mystical Bee
  4. Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer's Pose): Meaning, Steps, & Benefits
  5. Chakrasana: Benefits, How To Do, And Precautions
  6. Indian Yoga: Dhanurasana: Procedure, benefits and contradictions
  7. Obesity: Procedure, Benefits And contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh,Matsyendrasana

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Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute): Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications

• • • • image Source: Canva Sanskrit Pronunciation Urdhva Hastasana ( OORD-vah hahs-TAHS-uh-nuh) Meaning Urdhva = raised (or upward / hasta = hand / asana = pose Pose Type Standing Stretch Pose Level Beginner Anatomy Arms and Shoulders, Upper Back, Neck, Psoas muscles Other Names Upward hand stretch pose, Upward Salute, Raised Hands Pose, Mountain Pose with Arms Overhead or Utthita Hasta in Tadasana Palm Tree Pose, Urdhva Hastotanasana Urdhva Hastasana information Urdhva Hastasana is a standing pose that refreshes the entire body by boosting energy levels. Whether you are a trained yogi, an aspirant, or even a novice, anyone can perform this pose on a daily basis. Every time you get up from long seated hours or wake up extending the arms overhead and stretching the entire body from toes to fingertips. This subconscious move re-energizes the body and forms Urdhva Hastasana. Getting into the meaning, urdhva hastasana refers to “Raised Hands Pose”. It’s also called Upward Salute Pose due to the Urdhva Hastasana Practice Guide Image Source: Canva Contraindications and Precautions • Avoid it you have a sprain in and around the shoulders and neck. • You can also try it without lifting the arms fully over the head if it is hurting when stretching in the full version. • Ensure to master the alignments of basic tadasana before trying this pose. It will act as a preparatory pose to stretch and balance the body into Urdhva Hastasana. • While lengthening the spine, pull the pubic bone...

How to do Dhanurasana?

Dhanurasana, also called Bow Pose as Dhanu stands for bow and asana stands for the pose, is a yoga pose that stretches your whole body and makes it flexible as well as fit. This yoga pose is difficult to do for people who don’t do yoga or whose body is not flexible. Dhanurasana is one of the most important yoga asana. It stretches your whole body and helps in better circulation of blood. Steps to do Dhanurasana Dhanurasana is a little complicated to do and you need to keep some things like breathing and positioning, in your mind while doing it. • Lie down in prone position; facing your chest downwards and your back upwards. • Now relax your body and exhale deeply. • While you’re exhaling, bend your knees and bring your both heel as close to your hips as possible. • Then raise your chin and bend your head and neck backward. Your chest should still be touching the ground. • Now inhale slowly and pull your legs upwards. • Keep raising your head, neck, chin, chest, thighs, and knees backward and keep only the navel region touching the ground. Balance your body in the navel region. • Stay in this pose from 20 to 30 seconds. • Now, release your body as you exhale, and lay down to take some breath. Health Benefits of Dhanurasana There are many benefits of Dhanurasana. The bow pose is known for many health benefits and advantages and they are as follows: • It opens up your chest, abdomen, throat, ankles and groins. • Gives you good posture and toned body. • Stretches the entire bo...

50 Types of Yoga Asanas & Their Health Benefits – Mystical Bee

Yoga plays a vital role in human life. Yoga asanas help in bringing the mind, body, and soul into a meditative state which in turn offer overall harmony and contentment to a person. Yoga alleviates a number of health-related problems. Nowadays, living in the hustle and bustle of a city, it is a necessity for a person to realise the significance of yoga in human life. So, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of practising yoga asanas. Know about some important asanas and also the delightful experience that these yoga asanas offer. 1. Katichakrasana Katichakrasana is good for relieving constipation as this yoga strengthens and improves the flexibility of the spine and waist. Good for arm and leg muscles and also opens up the neck, shoulders thereby strengthens the abdominal muscles. 2. Bhujangasana This asana improves menstrual irregularities, elevates mood firms and tones the buttocks. Stimulates the heart and organs in the abdomen, like the kidneys. This yoga also relieves stress and fatigue thus, helps in opening the chest to clear the passages of the heart and lungs. 3. Kurmasana It stretches legs, back, shoulders and chest and lengthens the back muscles. Kurmasana improves the functions of the respiratory and digestive systems. 4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips. This asana strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings which in turn helps in improves circulation of blood. This yoga is beneficial for preventing ...

Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer's Pose): Meaning, Steps, & Benefits

• • • • • • Image Source: Shutterstock In Akarna dhanurasana pose, the foot is pulled back towards the ear ( Karna) resembling an archer’s shooting bow ( Dhanur). It’s an intermediate pose mentioned in traditional hatha yoga texts. Stretching legs in this pose enhance the overall flexibility of the body. It is performed Performing the archer’s pose requires the practitioner to grasp both the big toes of extended legs with hands. This is followed by pulling one of the foot back flexing the respective knee and elbow. The leg is further stretched so that the foot reaches the ear and finally extend the leg up vertically. Meaning and Interpretation Akarna dhanurasana is derived from Sanskrit where “Karna” refers to “ear”, “dhanura” means “bow”, and “asana” is “pose”. The term “Karna” has “A” as a prefix which means “near” or “towards. To attain the posture, the yogi draws one of the feet towards the ear while the second leg stays extended forward on the ground. While pulling the one foot towards the ear, the body posture resembles a bow arched to discharge the arrow. However, in modern yoga, it is way too different from the dhanurasana that you might be familiar with. 1966’s publication Light on Yoga by B.K.S Iyengardescribed this asana by the name of Akarna dhanurasana. Symbolic Representation Mundaka Upanishad (2.2.4) reflects akarna dhanurasana’s symbolic representation. According to it, archery is used as a metaphor for spiritual practice. The Om mantra is enchanted as the ...

Chakrasana: Benefits, How To Do, And Precautions

The chakrasana is a backbend yoga position and a part of an Ashtanga Yoga routine’s trailing off activities. It is also known as the Upward Facing Bow Pose. When assumed, the stance resembles a wheel or an upward facing bow. This asana is noted for improving the spine’s flexibility. When performed as part of an acrobatic routine, it is known as the back bridge. In this article, we have detailed chakrasana yoga and other related issues. Continue reading to know more. • Focus on your breath (prana) and breathe comfortably. Take slow, deep breaths. • Hold the pose for a minute, or as long as you are comfortable. Then, release by bending your arms and legs, and gently lowering your back on the ground. Lie down in Shavasana for a few minutes before you resume normal activity or continue with your exercise. Being involved in this pose will help in promoting mindfulness. Image: Shutterstock To intensify the pose, you can do the Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana. For this, once you get into the Wheel Pose, move your weight on one foot. Then, as you exhale, bend the other foot at the knee, and pull it into your torso. Exhale and stretch it out upwards. Hold the pose for a few seconds, and then bring your heel to the floor as you exhale. Repeat using the other leg. Image: Shutterstock These are some amazing benefits of chakra asana. • It gives your lungs and chest a good stretch. It also expands the shoulders and the chest. • This asana also gives strength to your legs, abdomen, buttocks,...

Indian Yoga: Dhanurasana: Procedure, benefits and contradictions

Dhanurasana is consisted of two words: Dhanu means ‘bow’ and Asana indicates a Yoga pose. Thus the name is ‘the Bow Pose’ because in the final position, the body resembles a bow. In this pose, the abdomen and thigh representing the wooden part of the bow whereas legs lower parts and arms representing the bowstring. This is all about definition of Dhanurasana. This is one of the important Yogic postures, which is known for many health benefits and advantages such as weight loss, strengthening the lower back, treating asthma, making your entire spine flexible and supple and so on. One can get the finest description of Bow Pose from Gherand Samhita: While lying on the ground, stretch your legs as straight as sticks. Catch hold of your feet with your hands behind the back. Adjust your body so that it takes the shape of a bow. Roll to and fro. This is Dhanurasana according to Yogis. How to do Bow Pose Yoga Steps for Dhanurasana • First of all lie down in prone position • Exhale, bend your knees and hold the ankles with hands • While inhaling raise the thighs, head and chest as high as possible • Try to maintain weight of the body on lower abdomen. Join the ankles. Look upward and breathe normally. • While exhaling, bring down the head and legs up to knee joint. Maintain this position as long as you can hold and slowly come back to the original position. Health benefits of Bow pose Bow pose is one of the few Yoga poses, which comprising the benefits of two different asanas i.e. ...

Obesity: Procedure, Benefits And contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh,Matsyendrasana

Obesity: The terms obesity refer to body weight which is greater than normal or healthy weight. It also defines as the condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases to extreme levels. It is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground with your knees, ankle and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards. Now place your palms of both hands on the knees. The upper body should be straight. At this time, the breathing should be deep, even and slow. Benefits: a) It is helpful for concentration. b) It is helpful in curing dysentery, back pain and chest diseases. c) It enhances memory. d) It cures problems related to menstruation. e) It cures mental stress. f) It strengthens the pelvic muscles. g) It removes postural defects. h) It prevents a hernia and gives relief from piles. Contraindications a) A person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana. b) The individuals who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajrasana. c) The individuals who have some difficulty in the movement should practice vajrasana with a lot of acres. Procedure Bend forward until the fingers or palms of the hands touch the floor on either side of the feet. Try to touch the knees with the forehead. Do not strain. Keep the knees straight. Exhale while bending forward. Try to contract the abdomen in the final position to expel the maximum amount of air from the lungs. Benefits of Pada Hastasana: a) It makes the body very flexible. b) It stretches th...