
Procedure for Kidney Transplantation. The kidneys are removed from the donor, usually using thin instruments and a small video camera inserted through several tiny incisions (laparoscopic surgery). Occasionally, a larger incision (open surgery) is required. After removal, the kidney is cooled and transported quickly to a medical center for.

Dhanurasana is pronounced as Dha-nur-aah-suh-na. Dhanurasana - etymology. Dhanurasana has been named after the shape the body takes while performing it – that of a bow. Dhanu means bow and asana means posture or pose. Just as a well-strung bow is an asset to a warrior, a well-stretched body helps keep you flexible with a good posture.

Ustrasana Benefits. The following are the benefits of Ustrasana. Camel Pose improves the flexibility of the entire spine and helps to remove the hunch back. Though this pose is good for backache, lumbago, and other spinal issues, one should perform this pose under competent supervision. If not rightly performed, it may aggravate the existing.

Treatment In the past, atrial septal defect (ASD) closure required open heart surgery through an incision in the chest using a heart-lung bypass machine, followed by three to five days in the hospital for recovery.

Summary Surgery is the only way to remove a cataract. It involves removing the damaged lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens to restore vision. Luis Alvarez/Getty Images A.