General knowledge questions

  1. 200 general knowledge questions (and answers)
  2. 50+ General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers (and More!)
  3. 170 Best Trivia Questions With Answers
  4. Over 3200+ free general knowledge quiz questions!
  5. 100 of the Best General Knowledge Quiz Questions
  6. 250+ Best Trivia Questions with Answers [2023 Edition]
  7. 250+ Best General Trivia Questions and Answers
  8. 263 General Trivia Questions (with Answers) to Test Your Knowledge

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200 general knowledge questions (and answers)

Last update:27 May, 2022 Answering general knowledge questions is a way to increase your knowledge about the world we live in. It’s also a great way to entertain your friends and pass some time when you’re bored. The term general knowledge is exactly that – knowledge of any kind, regardless of its nature. You may be asking why we’re posting this on Step to Health…simple…we’re getting those neurons working and helping your brain health at the same time! General knowledge can range from knowing the first song Britney Spears released to being able to distinguish a few lines of Shakespeare. It doesn’t only refer to knowledge that is traditionally considered to be of a cultural nature (history, philosophy, literature), but to all types of knowledge related to the world, the universe, and mankind. With this in mind, we’re bringing you 200 general knowledge questions with all the answers. The best general knowledge questions (with answers) For our selection of the best general knowledge questions, we’ve set a moderate difficulty. Some questions will seem difficult, while others will take you only a second to answer. Test your knowledge and challenge your friends to see who can answer the most correctly: You might be interested in: 50 Fun Questions for Kids 1. What year did Margaret Thatcher die? In April 2013. She was the first woman to serve as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 2. What year was the first part of Don Quixote de la Mancha published? In 1605. The second part wa...

50+ General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers (and More!)

A good general knowledge quiz has a lot to offer. They’re fun, keep your brain sharp and best of all, they suit any occasion. Bored? Do a quiz. Hanging with friends? Go head-to-head. At the pub? Work together to answer questions. Having a meeting? Put Powerpoint away and test your colleagues. Here at KwizzBit HQ, we recognise the universal power of trivia. We’ve even made it our mission to get as many people quizzing as we possibly can. That’s why we’ve compiled 50 of the best general knowledge quiz questions and answers for you to answer yourself or play with others. So if you know a little bit of everything from history to movies, and music to sport, then you’ve got a good chance of acing this general knowledge quiz. And when you’ve finished, we’ve added taster questions and links to other quiz topics you might enjoy at the bottom of the page. How many can you get right? Play this quiz online General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers Questions • What does KFC stand for? • What street does the British prime minister live on? • Mycology is the study of what? • In what year did the Berlin Wall fall? • Which TV show features Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons and Luca Changretta? • Who founded Amazon? • What is Batman’s butler called? • Jimmy Page formed which rock band? • On what date is Independence Day in the USA? • What is a female donkey called? • In Greek mythology, who was the father of Zeus? • What is the currency of Denmark? • Arachnophobia is the fear of what? • Which...

170 Best Trivia Questions With Answers

Select a set amount of questions tailored to their ages and interests, or keep everyone on their toes by switching between easy and hard trivia questions throughout the night. So, put on your thinking cap and get ready to roll. Who knows, when it's all said and done, you just might discover that you're ready to move on to "Jeopardy!" next. Books and literature trivia • Which horror author penned the apocalyptic novel "The Stand"? Answer: Stephen King • Which book about a band of rabbits became a bestseller in 1972? Answer: "Watership Down" • What was the original title of Ray Bradbury’s "Fahrenheit 451" ? Answer: "The Fireman" • The classic 1877 novel "Black Beauty" is about what kind of animal? Answer: Horse • Who was the first author to use a "typemachine" or typewriter in writing a manuscript? Answer: Mark Twain • What 1988 book by Salman Rushdie is considered blasphemous by many Muslim countries? Answer: "The Satanic Verses" • Which mystery writer holds the Guinness World Record for the most translated works? Answer: Agatha Christie • What book holds the record for the fastest selling book in history? Answer: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" • Who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"? Answer: Harper Lee • What 1949 science fiction book by author George Orwell describes a dystopian world in the future? Answer: "1984" • What's the name of the pig in the book "Charlotte's Web"? Answer: Wilbur • "Call me Ishmael" is the first line from what classic novel? Answer: "Moby Dick...

Over 3200+ free general knowledge quiz questions!

It is our aim to be the UK quizmaster's number one resource. We provide free quiz questions for you to answer, with multiple choice trivia quiz questions also available. Over the past five years, myself and 'Quizmaster I' have written thousands of pub quiz questions and published them for free online. Our archive is available in its We tend to publish at least one set of general knowledge quiz questions each week and the aim is to keep write questions on a broad range of topics for a variety of ages. You can search for specific topics on our So whether you like a music quiz, a virtual pub quiz, a fun quiz on pop culture, an online quiz, Christmas quiz questions and a trivia night for all the family, we have questions for quiz aficionados to create your ultimate pub quiz. We have music quiz questions, human body content, multiple choice questions, current affairs rounds, geography rounds, theme tune rounds and even sets of football quiz questions. Pub Quiz HQ, the ultimate test! To help this site continue, please support it by Happy quizzing! Quizmaster A

100 of the Best General Knowledge Quiz Questions

Whether you’re trying to expand your knowledge, want to have a good time with friends, or are stuck indoors, these general knowledge quiz questions will be helpful (you can also view our They’re divided across multiple categories so you can quickly navigate the page and focus on the questions you’re most interested in. A word of warning, they’re general knowledge which means we got to pick and choose from a wide array of information. Don’t be surprised if you get few correct. It’s all part of the fun. These are the best general knowledge quiz questions we could come up with – break a leg. Science is about discovering the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation. It’s inextricably linked with education, which is another word for learning new things by giving or receiving systematic instructions. Whether a curious child or an intrigued adult, we all tend to learn and explore different branches of science as we go about our daily lives. Here are a few questions to titillate your geek side. • Who was the first person in space? • Yuri Gagarin • Some who suffer from Alopecia lacks what? • Hair • What is the chemical symbol of Tungsten? • W • What do Ombrophobes have a fear of? • Rain • What do you use to measure rainfall? • Pluviomoter • In archaeology, which scientific method is used to date trees? • Dendrochronology • Which is the longest bone in the body? • Femur • What does a Geiger counter measure? • Radiation • How many Noble Gasses are there? • 6...

250+ Best Trivia Questions with Answers [2023 Edition]

By Opinion Stage Updated: February 21, 2023 Updated: Feb 21, 2023 Fancy yourself a trivia quiz buff? or maybe you are looking to create your own trivia quiz. Well, we’ve got 250+ trivia questions and answers lined up for you to try to figure out and they span many different categories. Do you know everything about movies and television but nothing about health? Or do you think you can answer them all? It’s time to test your knowledge with these fun trivia questions. If you want to create your own online quiz you can also Trivia Question Categories These are the trivia categories we will cover: • • • • • • • • • • • • Technology & Science Trivia Questions Technology Trivia Questions These trivia questions focus on cellular phones, operating systems, the history of the computer, and social media. • What year was the very first model of the iPhone released? Answer: 2007 • What’s the shortcut for the “copy” function on most computers? Answer: ctrl c • What is often seen as the smallest unit of memory? Answer: kilobyte • Is Java a type of OS? Answer: No • Who is often called the father of the computer? Answer: Charles Babbage • What does “HTTP” stand for? Answer: HyperText Transfer Protocol • What is the name of the man who launched eBay back in 1995? Answer: Pierre Omidyar • Which email service is owned by Microsoft? Answer: Hotmail • Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Explorer are different types of what? Answer: Web browsers • What was Twitter’s original name? Answer: twttr...

250+ Best General Trivia Questions and Answers

Printable Trivia Questions & Answers Printable PDF of the best trivia questions and answers for a fun night. Instant download. No email required. General Trivia Questions Trivia Question: What is the rarest M&M color? Answer: Brown Trivia Question: In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for? Answer: World Wide Web Trivia Question: In what year were the first Air Jordan sneakers released? Answer: 1984 Trivia Question: In a bingo game, which number is represented by the phrase “two little ducks”? Answer: 22 Trivia Question: According to Greek mythology, who was the first woman on earth? Answer: Pandora Want to play trivia anytime, anywhere? Get this pocket trivia set for only $9.99. Funny, fun facts, with questions and answers that make starting a trivia game easy! Trivia Question: Samuel Tilden, Grover Cleveland, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton share what distinction among U.S. presidential candidates? Answer: They won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote Trivia Question: Which African country was formerly known as Abyssinia? Answer: Ethiopia Trivia Question: Tennis star Serena Williams won which major tournament while pregnant with her first child? Answer: The Australian Open Trivia Question: In which European city would you find Orly airport? Answer: Paris Trivia Question: Which singer’s real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta? Answer: Lady Gaga Trivia Question: The only known monotremes in the animal kingdom are the echidna and which...

263 General Trivia Questions (with Answers) to Test Your Knowledge

411 Do you want to improve your trivia knowledge? You’ve arrived to the correct location. Our complete selection of general trivia questions will have you stumped! Don’t believe us? You will once you are finished with the list we have prepared for you. Professionals have fact-checked each of our trivia questions. And include all of the questions and answers you’ll need for a So what are you waiting for? Let’s get this party started. Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • General knowledge Trivia For your next game night with the squad, we’ve compiled this beautiful general knowledge trivia quiz. Let’s get going, shall we? 1. How many teeth does an adult human have? Answer: 32. 2. Which year Demi-Leigh Neil-Peters become Miss Universe? Answer: 2017. 3. Which nail grows faster? Answer: Middle. 4. What is the largest bird of prey in the world? Answer: Andean Condor. 5. What is the Name the largest planet in the universe? Answer: Jupiter. 6. In which sport would you use a shuttlecock? Answer: Badminton. 7. Who invented the airplane? Answer: Wright Brothers. 8. Which year did Albert Einstein die? Answer: 1955. 9. Who wrote Oliver Twist? Answer: Charles Dickens. 10. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Who proposed this law? Answer: Newton. 11. Which year did the incident of Gulf Oil Spill occur? Answer: 2010. 12. Who discovered South Asia? Answer: Vasco de Gama. 13. Name the famous stage actor who killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865? Answer: John Wikes Booth. 14. Who disc...