Http ka full form in computer

  1. HTTP full form in hindi
  2. COMPUTER full form and details
  3. HTTP Full Form Name: Meaning of HTTP
  4. HTML Full Form

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HTTP full form in hindi

• • • • • • • • आज का युग इंटरनेट का युग है। शायद ही ऐसी कोई जानकारी होगी जो आपको यहां उपलब्ध न हो। आज का अधिकांश युवा अपना अधिक से अधिक समय इंटरनेट के माध्यम से न केवल एक देश बल्कि पूरी दुनिया आपस मे जुड़ गई है। एचटीटीपी क्या होता है HTTPS का पूरा नाम हाइपर टेक्स ट्रांस्फर प्रोटोकॉल“ Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure”हैं यह एक प्रोटोकॉल है जो ट्रांसपोर्ट-लेयर सिक्योरिटी द्वारा एन्क्रिप्ट किए गए कनेक्शन पर HTTP का उपयोग करता है। HTTPS का उपयोग संचारित डेटा को ईव्सड्रॉपिंग से बचाने के लिए किया जाता है। यहाँ पढ़ें : HTTP full form in hindi | एचटीटीपी का फुल फॉर्म क्या होता है | HTTP meaning in Hindi | what is the full form of http | एचटीटीपी फुल फॉर्म इन हिंदी full form of HTTP Hyper text transfer protocol full form of HTTP in Hindi हाइपर टेक्स ट्रांस्फर प्रोटोकॉल Inventor Tim Berners-Lee invention 1990 URL Address http:// full form of HTTP HTTP ( एचटीटीपी) ka full form: हाइपर टेक्स्ट ट्रांसफर प्रोटोकॉल ( Hypertext transfer protocol) HTTP का हिंदी अर्थ या फुल फॉर्म हाइपर टेक्स्ट ट्रांसफर प्रोटोकॉल होता है। हम सब जानते है आज के समय मे इंटरनेट है, तो लाइफ है। इसके माध्यम से समय की भी बचत होती है और काम बहुत ही आसानी से हो जाता है। हर किसी की जुबान पर यही बात होती है क्योंकि यह बात सभी जानते हैं कि इंटरनेट के बिना पूरे देश का काम रुक जाएगा। इसलिए आज हम आपको इंटरनेट के ऐसे टैक्नीकल टर्म के बारे मे बता रहे हैं जो बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है और वो है एचटीटीपी ( HTTP)। यहाँ पढ़ें : http ka full form kya hai | फुल फॉर्म ऑफ़ एचटीटीपी | एचटीटीपी फुल फॉर्म इन हिंदी | Http का विस्तृत रूप क्य...

COMPUTER full form and details

2.7 Similar full forms- By the way, a computer is not an acronym and is the name of an electronic device. A computer is a simple machine that we can program for a lot of logical and arithmetic functions, and it executes our work according to our instructions. in simple words, a computer is an electronic device that makes our work easy, and any computer that has been programmed for some set of works, it performs that task or works quickly and correctly. as the computer is not an Indian word, so many times people want to know the full form of it, and many people use common operating machine purposely for technical and educational research as a Charles Babbage is called the father of computers, he developed the plan of the analytical engine in 1830, which later came to be known as the computer. computer full form What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that performs our essential tasks according to predetermined instruction. The computer is capable of storing data, making necessary changes to it, and providing data on demand again. Today, a lot of our essentials are done with the help of computers, such as typing a document, playing games, sending emails, browsing the web, etc. You will be surprised to know that our mobile has also become a mini-computer, and that is why today the mobile is capable of doing many of our important tasks simultaneously. computer working Whether a factory, college, electricity department, or our car, computers are being used everyw...

HTTP Full Form Name: Meaning of HTTP

• Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP is the main internet protocol behind world wide web. It has some predifined set of rules and methods to establish and execute communication between two network terminals or devices. Web can be viewed as large set of hypertext documents which are connected to each other with hyperlinks. So HTTP is a mechanism to exchange hypertext documents. Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of HTML) and his team proposed first model of HTTP. Later Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) worked for the further advancement of HTTP protocol. Initially only GET method was used to request a hypertext file. In the later development popular HTTP requests like POST, PUT, DELETE etc were defined.

HTML Full Form

What is the full form of HTML HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language HTML stands for hyper text markup language. It is a hyper text markup language used to create web pages. It is written in the form of HTML elements. Hyperlink refers to a series of connections in a page to other pages. Markup language means tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page. Its main focus is on how to display information on web pages, i.e. the webpages we see on the internet are written using HTML code. HTML documents are interpreted and displayed by web browsers. Some famous web browsers are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer etc. HTML was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in late 1990s. It was initially release in 1993. Till then, many HTML versions have been released. Current HTML5 version is gaining popularity due to its several extensive features. Some of which are as follows: • Video: The video element allows the users to stream video from a website. • Figure: The figure element helps display visual content such as photos, illustrations, diagrams etc. • Section: The section elements, such as divs, help organize webpage content into thematic groups. • NAV: It is used for that part of a website which is linked to other pages of the website. • Header: It allows to group together introductory elements on a website like logo, navigation items, search form etc. • Footer: It is located at the bottom of a webpage. It generally contains copyright inform...