
  1. Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)
  2. Brazil's crackdown on deforestation of the Amazon
  3. Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis
  4. An Analysis of the New Legal Framework for IBAMA’s Administrative Enforcement Procedures and its Effects on Combating Deforestation in the Amazon

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Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)

Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Reno-váveis—IBAMA) enforces federal environmental laws and international treaties with environmental content to which Brazil is a signatory. Created in 1988 under President José Sarney, the institute initially suffered a severe lack of human and financial resources. Sarney's successor, In Brazil's decentralized postmilitary political system, a significant amount of environmental protection is being implemented by state agencies, not IBAMA. Its most visible activities tend to be in the Amazon, where, with all nine states that comprise Legal Amazonia, IBAMA has made accords to interact with their law enforcement agencies in the protection of flora and fauna. Endeavors to reduce deforestation are utilizing satellite technology to identify sites of illegal burning, with mixed results; a decrease in deforestation in one year has been followed by an increase the next, perhaps due as much to climatic factors (wet versus dry years) as to IBAMA's enforcement efforts. See also Environmental Movements. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography Schmink, Marianne, and Charles H. Wood. Contested Frontiers in Amazonia (1992). "International Network Formed to Map Tropical Deforestation by Satellite," International Environment Reporter: Current Report 13, no. 2 (14 February 1990): 65-66. "Bra...

Brazil's crackdown on deforestation of the Amazon

Illegal loggers, and ranchers who clear the forest for cattle unlawfully, are being targeted by Ibama, Brazil's environmental protection agency. Photograph: Christopher Pillitz/Alamy Illegal loggers, and ranchers who clear the forest for cattle unlawfully, are being targeted by Ibama, Brazil's environmental protection agency. Photograph: Christopher Pillitz/Alamy From the veranda of his farmhouse on the outskirts of this isolated riverside settlement, Gilvan Onofre can hear the helicopters coming, their rotors slicing through the humid Amazon air. "There is no longer any way of hiding," sighed Onofre, a 70-year-old cattle rancher who moved to the region in the 1970s seeking his fortune and admits to having destroyed huge tracts of rainforest. "Everyone knows that Ibama is photographing us and what we are doing from two metres above." Ibama is Brazil's environmental protection service, the group tasked with monitoring, catching and punishing those responsible for the plunder of the Boca do Acre, a cattle-ranching town in the deep south of Amazonas state, is one of the new frontlines of the government's war on illegal deforestation. When Onofre arrived here on 23 December 1972, there was hardly a cow to be seen. Boca do Acre was a tiny community of rubber-tappers surrounded by dense jungle accessible only by river. Since then the landscape has changed beyond recognition. It now has the largest cattle herd in Amazonas and much of the virgin rainforest has gone, replaced with ...

Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis

O Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis, mais conhecido pelo IBAMA, criado pela Lei nº 7.735 de 22 de fevereiro de 1989, é uma Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente ( PNMA), instituída pela lei nº 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981, [3 ] e desenvolve diversas atividades para a História [ | ] Criado pela lei nº 7.735 de 22 de fevereiro de 1989, [4 ] o IBAMA foi formado pela [1 ] Em [5 ] Entre 3 e 14 de junho de 1992, realizou-se na [1 ] da qual participaram 170 países. A questão ambiental no [1 ] com o objetivo de estruturar a Em [6 ] Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal [ | ] O Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal foi criado pelo decreto lei nº 289, de 28 de fevereiro de 1967. Era uma [7 ] Foi extinto por meio da Lei Nº 7.732, de 14 de fevereiro de 1989 e transferiram-se seu patrimônio, os recursos orçamentários, extra orçamentários e financeiros, a competência, as atribuições, o pessoal, inclusive inativos e pensionistas, os cargos, funções e empregos para a Secretaria Especial do Meio Ambiente - SEMA (criada em 1973 e extinta em 1989) e, posteriormente, para o IBAMA, de acordo com a Lei Nº 7.735, de 22 de fevereiro de 1989. [8 ] [9 ] Ver também [ | ] • • • • • • Referências • ↑ IBAMA. . Consultado em 19 de janeiro de 2009 • IBAMA. . Consultado em 19 de janeiro de 2009. Arquivado do • planalto.gov.br. Presidência da República — Casa Civil — Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. 31 de agosto de 1981 . Consultado em 1 de ma...

An Analysis of the New Legal Framework for IBAMA’s Administrative Enforcement Procedures and its Effects on Combating Deforestation in the Amazon

In Brazil, the regulation of activities that impact the environment and the enactment of measures to ensure compliance with the law (known as ‘command and control’ The administrative enforcement procedure, therefore, is a key factor in tackling illegal deforestation. Making this procedure more effective is essential for its stated goals of fining violators and deterring illegal activity. This summary presents an overview of findings from the report, Análise do Novo Procedimento Administrativo Sancionador do Ibama e seus Reflexos no Combate ao Desmatamento na Amazônia, published by Climate Policy Initiative/Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (CPI/PUC-Rio) that analyzes the impacts of changes in Brazil’s legislation and assesses whether they can bring greater effectiveness to Brazil’s federal environmental agency’s ( Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – IBAMA) administrative sanctioning procedure. CPI/PUC-Rio researchers reviewed literature and conducted a detailed analysis of Decree No. 9,760/2019 and other regulatory standards, as well as the new governance structure of the environmental sanctioning process. The researchers also collected data related to infraction notices in consultation with IBAMA’s open databases and through the Access to Information Law ( Lei de Acesso à Informação– LAI). Changes to the environmental administrative sanctioning procedure Environmental agencies are responsible for monitoring and inspect...